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A ressurector of contracts that selfdestruct() in the void. The Hunter draws an Arrow, takes aim at a Cloud, and shoots. An instantaneous flash in the Cloud, gone as quickly as it is create2ed, but long enough to carry out mission critical intructions.


An arrow made of bytecode that never misses it's intended target.


A smart contract address that's deterministically pre-computed but has no contract deployed to it. Also known as a lazy, counterfactual, wallet contract. It's address is determined in part by both the Hunter and the Arrow -- such is the circle of life.Tokens, NFT's, and Ether can all be sent to this Cloud of pure nothingness.


A registry of Arrows.


Step 1. Deploy Quiver or use the Quiver already deployed on arbitrum.

Step 2. Deploy Hunter.

Step 3. seek() - Based on the Hunter's address, the Arrow used, and user-defined salt, the perfect Cloud is found.

Step 4. shoot() - After the user has sent in funds or done whatever is needed with the cloud address, a contract is create2ed in the Cloud which then carries out instructions before selfdestruct()ing.

Step 5. Profit.


CloudHunter was inspired by Fred's talk at Solidity Summit 2022. I also found Tena Codes video on this subject to be helpful.