
Ruby library for the Mashery API

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

A Ruby library for the Mashery API.


Install the gem dependencies (see gembundler.com if you aren’t familiar with Bundler):

$ bundle install

Calling methods from the command line

A set of Thor tasks are provided so that you can call API methods from the command line (read more about Thor at

The following examples assume you have Thor installed system-wide. If it’s local to your bundle, then replace
thor with bundle exec thor.

You can see all available Mashery tasks with this command:

$ thor list mashery


Before you can successfully call an API method, you must set these environment variables:

$ export MASHERY_SITE_ID=666
$ export MASHERY_API_KEY=cafebebedeadbeefcafebebedeadbeef
$ export MASHERY_SHARED_SECRET=blahblahblah

By default, the thor tasks call methods in the Mashery sandbox. If you want them to access the production environment
instead, set the {{MASHERY_PRODUCTION_MODE}} environment variable to any value:


Querying objects

The Mashery API supports querying the following types of objects: members, applications, keys, services, and roles.

To perform a query, construct a Query object for the type of object you want to query:

query = Mashery::Query.new('members')
members = query.fetch_all

The fetch_all method will automatically paginate through the results for you. You can also control this yourself with the page parameter and execute:

query = Mashery::Query.new('members', :page => 2)
result = query.execute
items = result['items']

(Or, use the items method, which combines execute and result['items'] — however, this does not return result set metadata, like current page and total pages.)

The default will return all fields (e.g., SELECT * FROM members). To control this, specify the :fields parameter.

To control which records are returned, specify the :where parameter.

query = Mashery::Query.new('members', :where => 'username = "Jeff"'