Rails Api Base is a boilerplate project for JSON RESTful APIs. It follows the community best practices in terms of standards, security and maintainability, integrating a variety of testing and code quality tools. It's based on Rails 6 and Ruby 2.6.
Finally, it contains a plug an play Administration console (thanks to ActiveAdmin).
This template comes with:
- Schema
- Users table
- Admin users table
- Endpoints
- Sign up with user credentials
- Sign in with user credentials
- Sign out
- Reset password
- Get and update user profile
- Administration panel for users
- Rspec tests
- Code quality tools
- API documentation following https://apiblueprint.org/
- Docker support
- Clone this repo
- Install PostgreSQL in case you don't have it
- Create your
file bundle install
- Generate a secret key with
rake secret
and paste this value into theapplication.yml
. - Run
to install webpack needs rails db:create db:migrate
and make sure all tests passrails s
- You can now try your REST services!
- Have docker and docker-compose installed
- build and run the application with
docker-compose up
- Run
docker-compose exec web bash -c "rails db:create db:migrate"
- You can now try your REST services!
- ActiveAdmin for easy administration
- Arctic Admin for responsive active admin
- Annotate for doc the schema in the classes
- Better Errors for a better error page
- Brakeman for static analysis security
- Bullet help to kill N+1
- Byebug for debugging
- DelayedJob for background processing
- Devise for basic auth
- Devise Token Auth for api auth
- Draper for decorators
- Factory Bot for testing data
- Faker for generating test data
- Figaro for handling environment variables
- Jbuilder for json views
- Letter Opener for previewing a mail in the browser
- Oj for optimized json
- Pagy for pagination
- Pry for enhancing the ruby shell
- Puma for the server
- Pundit for authorization management
- Rack CORS for handling CORS
- Rails Best Practices for rails linting
- Reek for ruby linting
- RSpec for testing
- Rubocop for ruby linting
- Sendgrid for sending mails
- Shoulda Matchers adds other testing matchers
- Simplecov for code coverage
- Webmock for stubbing http requests
- YAAF for form objects
- Set your frontend URL in
- Set your mail sender in
- Config your timezone accordingly in
With rake code_analysis
you can run the code analysis tool, you can omit rules with:
- Rubocop Edit
- Reek Edit
- Rails Best Practices Edit
- Brakeman Run
brakeman -I
to generateconfig/brakeman.ignore
- Bullet You can add exceptions to a bullet initializer or in the controller
- After adding the project to CC, go to
Repo Settings
- On the
Test Coverage
tab, copy theTest Reporter ID
- Replace the current value of
on theconfig.yml file (.circleci/config.yml)
with the one you copied from CC
You can use CODEOWNERS file to define individuals or teams that are responsible for code in the repository.
Code owners are automatically requested for review when someone opens a pull request that modifies code that they own.
Rails Api Base is maintained by Rootstrap with the help of our contributors.