
Storexplore backend service built with Express + Typescript + TypeORM + Socket.io

Primary LanguageTypeScript



A store management API built with Express and Typescript. This gives APIs from the authentication, authorization, down to the individual entity module.


How to run locally

Clone the repository

  • Run git clone https://github.com/devugo/storexplore-server on your terminal/cmd to pull the project

Install Dependencies

  • Run yarn install or npm install in your project directory to download all dependencies

Setup Database

  • Ensure you have postgreSQL setup on your machine.
  • Create a databse with the name storexplore or use another name and do change the name on the .env file.
  • Ensure your database credentails match what is contain i the .env.stage.dev file.

Run the application

  • Run yarn start to start up local server to begin using the STOREXPLORE API.

Follow the documentation below to see the various endpoints


POSTMAN documentation JSON url