S3 Streamer

A java based container microservice to read S3 objects via streaming using a Http localhost endpoint.

This container service run on localhost:9999 (default port) where the S3 objects can be accssed locally via streaming over http protocol.

Endpoint : http://localhost:9999/<bucket_name>/<object_key> or http://s3-streamer:9999/<bucket_name>/<object_key>


docker pull devutkarsh/s3-streamer

Build Steps

  • Pull git project to your local
  • Update port or application properties if required
  • Build the Java project and docker image using gradle
  • Push jar to docker repository
  • Deploy to container using the docker image

Installation Guide

Requires Java 8 or higher and gradle -

cd s3-streamer
./gradlew clean build distdocker
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-central-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <docker_repo_path>
docker tag <local-docker-image_id> <docker_repo_path>
docker push <docker_repo_path>

Deploy kubernetes container

kubectl apply -f s3-streamer.yaml

Verify if your pod is running

kubectl get pods
kubectl logs <s3-streamer-pod-name>

More on https://blog.devutkarsh.com/streaming-aws-s3-objects-in-aws-eks-cluster/