

Primary LanguagePHP

Kiichi PHP

Simple Framework PHP MVC for developing web API`s.

Specifications and Dependencies

install packages

in the root of the project, run the composer command

composer update


The project's routes are located inside the Routes.php file inside the src folder.

├── src
│  └── routes.php



use Devvime\Kiichi\Engine\Router;

$router = new Router();

Creating routes

Route and Function

$router->get('/', function($req, $res) {
    $res->json(['title'=>'Simple CRUD PHP']);

Route and Class

$router->get('/:id', 'UserController@find');

Group of routes and parameters in URL

$router->group('/hello', function() use($router) {
    $router->get('/:name', function($req, $res) {
        $res->render('html-file-name', [

$router->group('/user', function() use($router) {
    $router->get('', 'UserController@index');
    $router->get('/:id', 'UserController@find');
    $router->post('', 'UserController@store');
    $router->put('/:id', 'UserController@update');
    $router->delete('/:id', 'UserController@destroy');

Route and Middleware

// Middleware in  Function
$router->get('/:id', 'UserController@find', function() {
    // Middleware code...

// Middleware in Class
$router->get('/:id', 'UserController@find', 'UserMiddleware@verifyAuthToken');

// Middleware Function in Route Group

$router->group('/user', function() use($router) {
    $router->get('', 'UserController@index');
    $router->get('/:id', 'UserController@find');
    $router->post('', 'UserController@store');
    $router->put('/:id', 'UserController@update');
    $router->delete('/:id', 'UserController@destroy');
}, function() {
    // Middleware code...

// Middleware Class in Route Group

$router->group('/user', function() use($router) {
    $router->get('', 'UserController@index');
    $router->get('/:id', 'UserController@find');
    $router->post('', 'UserController@store');
    $router->put('/:id', 'UserController@update');
    $router->delete('/:id', 'UserController@destroy');
}, 'AuthMiddleware@verifyToken');

Request data

Request data in URL Query ex: http://api.server.com/user?name=steve

$router->post('/user', function($req, $res) {
    $name = $req->query->name;

Request post data JSON

$router->post('/user', function($req, $res) {
    $name = $req->body->name;
    $email = $req->body->email;

Request params in URL

$router->put('/:id', function($req, $res) {
    $id = $req->params->id;

Start routes


Create Controller

To create a new controller with the assistant, just type the following command, informing the name of the controller and the name of the database table that will be used -> EX: composer new controller controllerName tableName.

composer new controller product products


├── src
|  ├── Controllers
│  |  └── ProductController.php
|  |── Models
|  |  └── Products.php

Create Middleware

To create a new middleware with the wizard, just type the following command informing the name of the middleware.

composer new middleware product


├── src
|  ├── Middlewares
│  |  └── ProductMiddleware.php

Create new email controller

Type the following command informing the name of the mail controller.

composer new mail news


├── src
|  ├── Controllers
│  |  └── NewsController.php


To create a new migration, simply type the following command in the project root (use CamelCase format):

composer new-migration MyMigration


├── src
|  ├── Database
|  |   ├── Migrations
│  |       └── 20240311052948_MyMigration.php

Migration code:



use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;

final class MyMigration extends AbstractMigration
    public function change(): void


Example to create table:



use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;

final class MyMigration extends AbstractMigration
    public function change(): void
        $table = $this->table('table-name');
        $table->addColumn('name', 'string')
            ->addColumn('description', 'text')
            ->addColumn('files', 'json')
            ->addColumn('amount', 'json')

More information on writing migrations is available here: https://book.cakephp.org/phinx/0/en/migrations.html#the-change-method

After configuring database access in the .ENV file and having a database created, simply enter this command to run the migrations and create the tables:

composer migrate


To undo the migration changes you made, simply run this command:

composer rollback


To create a new seed, simply type the following command in the project root (use CamelCase format):

composer new-seed MySeed


├── src
|  ├── Database
|  |   ├── Seeds
│  |       └── MySeed.php

Seed code:



use Phinx\Seed\AbstractSeed;

class MySeed extends AbstractSeed
    public function run(): void


Seed example:



use Phinx\Seed\AbstractSeed;

class MySeed extends AbstractSeed
    public function run(): void
        $data = [
                'name' => 'Notebook',
                'description' => 'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy, Lorem Ips incorrectly asserts that Lorem Ips correctly asserts.',
                'price' => 1999
                'name' => 'Monitor',
                'description' => 'Lorem Ips incorrectly asserts that Lorem Ips correctly asserts.',
                'price' => 599
        $products = $this->table('products');

More information on writing seeders is available here: https://book.cakephp.org/phinx/0/en/seeding.html

After configuring database access in the .ENV file and having a database created, simply enter this command to run the seed and create data in table:

composer run-seed

Render HTML file

To render an HTML file just use $res->render('file-name'); no need to add .html in file name

$router->get('/user', function($req, $res) use($router) {

To render an HTML file by sending an array of data use $res->render('file-name');

$router->get('/user', function($req, $res) use($router) {
    $res->render('html-file-name', [

To receive the data sent to the HTML file use {{ key }} or {{ key.object.name }}

<div class="card">
    <h4>{$name }/h4>

For more details, see the documentation at RainTPL 3