
A Simple FTP server for sharing current folder with fast startup and multiconnection boosts for faster transmission.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Simple FTP server for sharing current folder with fast startup and multiconnection boosts for faster transmission.


ftu for Debian/Debian-Based and ftw Windows Operating Systems starts an FTP server instantly on to the current folder of the sesison, happens all in you local network.

These executables also print a QR on to the terminal for easy access of the ftp server link.

Automatically session logs are visible within the terminal logging who access which files and how many connections

Demo usage of InstantFTP

⚠️ NOTE: These executables have anonymous user access too, don't use them in unsafe networks. You may consider recompiling with anonymous access removed and your own unique username:password

By the way you don't need to worry much if you are using it on home network 😛, still all devices in local network can access this link if they have this link (or if with credentials) or either they are scanning for open ports which is very uncommon, adding credentials adds a layer of security.


To use them directly run the follwing command

git clone https://github.com/devvratmiglani/InstantFTP.git

and then set this directory in your PATHS or Environment variables eg. 'C:\Tools\InstantFTP\' if you have git cloned in 'C:\Tools\' Directory.

---> See Compiling in termux for Termux Installation


Launch a terminal and type 'ftu' or 'ftw' and the server insatntly starts sharing the curernt folder to all your devices in your local network.


If you want to set a unique username:password for little more security I suggest to recompile the ft.py using the belower pyinstaller command with made changes, you may need to run the following pyinstaller command first

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install pyinstaller

These executables are compiled in respective environments using the pyinstaller as

pyinstaller .\ft.py --onefile --python-option u

Compiling in Termux

We cannot directly compile it in termux due to limited packages but it can be done this way

pkg install binutils
pkg install ldd

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install pyinstaller

pyinstaller ./ft.py --onefile --python-option u

cd dist
chmod +x ft
mv ft ../ftu

Multiple-Connection boost

These FTP server support 20 multiple connection per ip by default and can be increased in the ft.py (isn't worth it though, 3-5 is more than enough) these can be beneficial when you are trying to download very large file over the network.

Can use multiple connections as

aria2c -x16 -s16 ftp://user:pass@/host:port/path-to-file

Learn more Aria2

For wired connections it will be extremely fast.

My stats:
Wired-Router-Wired: 527MBps
Wired-Router-Wireless: 60MBps
Wireless-Router-Wireless:  30MBps
(Transmission speed depends on your router too)