ShunyEka Systems Private Limited website rebuild using ReactJS
- Fork the repository first (Click the Fork button in the top right of this page, click your Profile Image)
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
git clone
- change the present working directory
cd shunyekav2
- Open CMD in your current directory and install npm packages using command.
npm install / yarn
- Run the project.
npm run dev / yarn dev
- Make changes in the project. Add, Commit and Push the project using following commands:
Create a Branch
git checkout -b <name of the branch>
- Make the changes
Add all files
git add .
Commit the changes
git commit -m "Write Your commit Message"
Push the branch
git push
git push origin branch-name
Make Pull Request from Github Repository ** Star the repository. **
In the cloud-free development environment which will have all the dependencies you need (for example MongoDB).
You can use Gitpod in the cloud to directly contribute to the project without cloning to your local system and any installation of dependencies(Gitpod does that all by itself).
- Make Sure you commit your changes in a new branch.
- Make Sure you Give proper name to your files describing the addition.
- Also Make Sure you comment your code wherever necessary.