
Convert HTTP Archive format (HAR) to websequencediagrams compatible output

Primary LanguagePerl


Convert HTTP Archive format (HAR) to websequencediagrams compatible output. Supports automatic fetching sequence diagrams from websequencediagrams via an API call.

HAR files

The HTTP Archive format or HAR, is a JSON-formatted archive file format for logging of a web browser's interaction with a site. The common extension for these files is .har.

The specification for the HTTP Archive (HAR) format defines an archival format for HTTP transactions that can be used by a web browser to export detailed performance data about web pages it loads. The specification for this format is produced by the Web Performance Working Group of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The specification is in draft form and is a work in progress.

Sequence Diagrams

Sequence diagrams are a type of UML diagram that show the interaction between entities where time passes from top to bottom. In this case we are using them to show the interactions between a web browser and a one or more web servers.

Web Sequence Diagrams

The png, svg and pdf outputs are generated via the websequencediagrams.com API. This API returns invalid JSON with unquoted keys, in order to deal with this we are using the allow_barekey method from the JSON::PP perl module. When interacting with this service the script presents the following useragent: har2sequence/0.1.


This script makes use of a number of perl modules. You can install these on a Debian based system using the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install libfile-slurp-perl libdata-dump-perl \
libjson-pp-perl libtext-simpletable-perl
$ git clone https://github.com/donovan/har2sequence.git
$ cd har2sequence


Save a har file using an appropriate tool (eg chrome developer tools).

$ ./har2seqence www.foo.com.har
$ ./har2sequence --help
    har2sequence [options] <HAR file>


    --help        detailed help message
    --output      output format, supports txt (default), table, dump, png, svg or pdf
    --outfile     override the output filename
    --host        use Host header instead of Server IP
    --style       websequencediagrams styles, use --list-styles for a listing
    --list-styles list valid styles for websequencediagrams

Output formats


This is the default output.

Outputs a sequence diagram defined as txt as used by tools like websequencediagrams and js-sequence-diagrams.

As far as I know this format is not properly specified anywhere and was created by websequencediagrams. The best definition I know of is here.


Text table output.


Dump perl data structure as output.


Submit txt to websequencediagrams via API and save the returned png.


Submit txt to websequencediagrams via API and save the returned svg.


Submit txt to websequencediagrams via API and save the returned pdf.


Parse a har file and output websequencediagrams txt format:

$ ./har2sequence example.har

Retrieve a png sequence diagram that uses the napkin style from websequencediagrams. Make use of hosts headers for server names.

$ ./har2sequence --host --output png --style napkin example.har
retrieved example.png from http://www.websequencediagrams.com/?img=example123



Txt formats for UML and sequence diagrams