UNPAWS ------ TARGET UnPAWS takes snapshot files (.SNA, .SP, .Z80) of Spectrum games written with PAWS or Quill system (version A or C), and produces text listings of the game database. PLATFORM The code has been compiled with Borland Pascal 7.0 (MS-DOS executable) and Delphi 5.5 (Win32 executable). It may probably be compiled easily using Freepascal currently. Update: on April 2016 it has been compiled with free pascal (fpc 2.6.4) for Windows without any problem. INPUT The input must be any spectrum game made with PAWS, in any of this file formats: - .SP (Pedro Gimeno's Spectrum Emulator) - .SNA (JPP Emulator) - .Z80 (Lunter's Z80 Emulator) USE Just type UNPAWS in the command line to know about the syntax. DEVELOPERS This program was developed first by Jose Luis Cebrian, and then ported to pascal and improved by Carlos Sánchez. Releases starting from version 1.0 are maintained by Alexander Katz. The source code has been published in Github by Carlos Sánchez. REPORTS Any bug report or suggestion could be sent to Github's bug tracker.