Magento 1 / RealtimeDespatch Orderflow Env

  • (Only do this once) Download the sample data packages from Magento Release archives and copy to sampledata dir. The files should be renamed to the following:

    • sampledata/magento-sample-data-
    • sampledata/magento-sample-data-
  • (Only do this once per MAGENTO_VERSION and ORDERFLOW_VERSION combination) From the root of this project, build a demo store installer using the following command where MAGENTO_VERSION is the version of Magento CE you'd like to install, and ORDERFLOW_VERSION is the extension version you wish to provision with. Remember to use a helpful tag so you can skip this step in future.

    docker build --build-arg MAGENTO_VERSION= -t orderflow-m1:
  • Create a target directory for your demo store

    mkdir /tmp/of_m1
  • Install your demo store using the following command

    docker run --rm --interactive --volume /tmp/of_m1:/app orderflow-m1: /
  • Boot up your environment.

    cd /tmp/of_m1 && docker-compose up
  • Run the following command to install the sample db + setup a demo admin user.

  • Visit http://localhost in your browser

  • Access the admin at http://localhost/admin.

    • User: admin
    • Pass: password123