
Forked from lianghongzhuo / PointNetGPD

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PointNetGPD: Detecting Grasp Configurations from Point Sets

PointNetGPD (ICRA 2019, arXiv) is an end-to-end grasp evaluation model to address the challenging problem of localizing robot grasp configurations directly from the point cloud.


  1. 离线阶段
    1. 候选抓取采样与打分: 针对YCB objects Dataset 中的CAD模型,利用传统采样方法(默认Antipods采样)对进行候选抓取姿态(夹爪6D姿态)采样,并通过Force Closure结合 GWS 方法对所检测出的姿态进行打分,生成候选抓取数据集存起来备用;
    2. 点云原始数据生成: YCB objects Dataset 提供了一些物体的CAD模型,以及某些视角下这些物体的激光深度图;但是我们在训练网络时候,使用的是点云数据,因此,这里提前要把某些视角下的深度图转换为点云数据,以备后续使用;
    3. PointNet模型训练: 利用生成的某候选夹爪姿态(步骤1.i),结合CAD模型的多视角点云(步骤1.ii),提取出来该候选抓取姿态下夹爪闭合区域内的点云;将夹爪闭合区域内的点云以及该抓取姿态的分数送入PointNet中进行训练;
  2. 在线阶段
    1. 抓取采样: 从点云中直接采样候选抓取姿态 ,并剔除掉与桌面碰撞、与场景点云碰撞的非法抓取;
    2. 打分: 提取剩余的抓取姿态夹爪内部的点,进一步剔除掉不合理的数据之后,将点集送入训练好的PointNet网络中打分;
    3. 排序: 将候选的抓取按照分数从高到低排序,输出分数最高的抓取。


  • 作者的实验视频
    Video for PointNetGPD
  • 本人的复现实验视频
    PointNetGPD on Franka Panda

Before Install


mkdir -p $HOME/code/
cd $HOME/code/

Install all the requirements (Using a virtual environment is recommended)

  1. Make sure in your Python environment do not have same package named meshpy or dexnet.

  2. Clone this repository:

    cd $HOME/code
    git clone https://github.com/lianghongzhuo/PointNetGPD.git
  3. Install our requirements in requirements.txt

    cd $HOME/code/PointNetGPD
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install our modified meshpy (Modify from Berkeley Automation Lab: meshpy)

    cd $HOME/code/PointNetGPD/meshpy
    python setup.py develop
  5. Install our modified dex-net (Modify from Berkeley Automation Lab: dex-net)

    cd $HOME/code/PointNetGPD/dex-net
    python setup.py develop
  6. 这里需要根据自己的夹爪来修改如下的夹爪文件;

    vim $HOME/code/PointNetGPD/dex-net/data/grippers/robotiq_85/params.json


    • 离线生成抓取姿态数据集时,用此参数结合antipod采样法对CAD模型数据集中的模型进行抓取姿态的采样;
    • 离线训练PointNet时,在dataloader中,使用该参数对提取夹爪内部的部分点云,进而将该部分点云送入网络进行训练;



    "min_width":      夹爪的最小闭合角度
    "force_limit":      抓取力度限制
    "max_width":     夹爪最大张开距离
    "finger_radius": 用于软体手,指定软体手的弯曲角度(弧度制),一般用不到,补上去就行了
    "max_depth":     夹爪的最大深度,竖向的距离


    "finger_width":    夹持器的两个夹爪的“厚度”
    "real_finger_width":   也是两个夹爪的厚度,和上面写一样就行(仅仅用于显示,影响不大,不用于姿态检测)
    "hand_height":   夹爪的另一侧厚度,一会儿看图
    "hand_height_two_finger_side":   没有用到,代码中没有找到调用,所以不用管
    "hand_outer_diameter":  夹爪最大的可以张开的距离,从最外侧量(包括两个爪子的厚度)
    "hand_depth":   夹爪的竖向深度
    "real_hand_depth":   和hand_depth保持一致,代码中两者是相同的
    "init_bite":  这个是用于在线抓取检测时,定义的一个后撤距离,主要是避免由于点云误差之类的,导致夹爪和物体碰撞,以米为单位,一般设置1cm就行了




Genearted Grasp Dataset Download

You can download the dataset from: https://tams.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/research/datasets/PointNetGPD_grasps_dataset.zip

Generate Your Own Grasp Dataset

  1. Download YCB object set from YCB Dataset.

  2. 原代码中,将YCB的数据集放在了如下位置:

    mkdir -p $HOME/dataset/ycb_meshes_google/objects


    cd $HOME/code/PointNetGPD/dex-net/apps  
    vim generate-dataset-canny.py

    修改YCB dataset 路径

    219  #存放CAD模型的文件夹
    220  file_dir = home_dir + "/dataset/ycb_meshes_google/objects"   #获取模型的路径  


    61  #将gpg得到的候选抓取文件存放起来
    62  good_grasp_file_name = "/home/wgk/win10/generated_grasps/{}_{}_{}".format(filename_prefix, str(object_name), str(len(good_grasp)))


    |└── google_512k
    |    ├── kinbody.xml (no use)
    |    ├── nontextured.obj
    |    ├── nontextured.ply
    |    ├── nontextured.sdf (generated by SDFGen)
    |    ├── nontextured.stl
    |    ├── textured.dae (no use)
    |    ├── textured.mtl (no use)
    |    ├── textured.obj (no use)
    |    ├── textured.sdf (no use)
    |    └── texture_map.png (no use)
  3. Install SDFGen from GitHub:

    git clone https://github.com/jeffmahler/SDFGen.git
    cd SDFGen
    sudo sh install.sh
  4. Install python pcl library python-pcl:

    git clone https://github.com/strawlab/python-pcl.git
    pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install cython
    pip install numpy
    cd python-pcl
    python setup.py build_ext -i
    python setup.py develop
    • If you use ubuntu 18.04 and/or conda environment, you may encounter a compile error when install python-pcl, this is because conda has a higer version of vtk, here is a work around:
  5. Generate sdf file for each nontextured.obj file using SDFGen by running:

    cd $HOME/code/PointNetGPD/dex-net/apps
    python read_file_sdf.py  #anaconda3环境下python3
  6. 运行以下代码生成关于CAD模型的候选抓取姿态,以及利用ForceClosure&GWS对生成抓取姿态进行打分:

    cd $HOME/code/PointNetGPD/dex-net/apps
    python generate-dataset-canny.py [prefix]   #anaconda3环境下python3


Visualization tools

  • Visualization grasps

    cd $HOME/code/PointNetGPD/dex-net/apps
    python read_grasps_from_file.py    #anaconda3  python3


    • This file will visualize the grasps in $HOME/code/PointNetGPD/PointNetGPD/data/ycb_grasp/ folder
  • Visualization object normals

    cd $HOME/code/PointNetGPD/dex-net/apps
    python Cal_norm.py     #anaconda3  python3

This code will check the norm calculated by meshpy and pcl library.

Training the network

  1. Data prepare:

    cd $HOME/code/PointNetGPD/PointNetGPD/data

    Make sure you have the following files, The links to the dataset directory should add by yourself:

    ├── google2cloud.csv  (Transform from google_ycb model to ycb_rgbd model)
    ├── google2cloud.pkl  (Transform from google_ycb model to ycb_rgbd model)
    ├── ycb_grasp  (generated grasps)
    ├── ycb_meshes_google  (YCB dataset)
    └── ycb_rgbd  (YCB dataset)

    Generate point cloud from rgb-d image, you may change the number of process running in parallel if you use a shared host with others

    cd ..
    python ycb_cloud_generate.py   #anaconda3  python3

    Note: Estimated running time at our Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v4 @ 2.60GHz dual CPU with 56 Threads is 36 hours. Please also remove objects beyond the capacity of the gripper.

  2. Run the experiments:

    cd PointNetGPD

    Launch a tensorboard for monitoring

    tensorboard --log-dir ./assets/log --port 8080

    and run an experiment for 200 epoch

    python main_1v.py --epoch 200 --mode train --batch-size x (x>1)  #anaconda3  pyhton3

    File name and corresponding experiment:

    main_1v.py        --- 1-viewed point cloud, 2 class
    main_1v_mc.py     --- 1-viewed point cloud, 3 class
    main_1v_gpd.py    --- 1-viewed point cloud, GPD
    main_fullv.py     --- Full point cloud, 2 class
    main_fullv_mc.py  --- Full point cloud, 3 class
    main_fullv_gpd.py --- Full point cloud, GPD

    For GPD experiments, you may change the input channel number by modifying input_chann in the experiment scripts(only 3 and 12 channels are available)

Using the trained network



  1. 启动Kinect相机

    roslaunch kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge.launch publish_tf:=true
  2. 点云采集与预处理

    1. 采集点云(读取ROS话题即可),保留感兴趣区域点云(ROI);
    2. 利用ROS_tf读取桌面标签与相机标签坐标系关系,从而将感兴趣区域点云转换到桌面标签坐标系中;
    3. 将旋转后的点云以ROS话题形式发布(父坐标系为桌面标签)
    • 安装
    cd  ~/catkin_ws/src
    git clone https://github.com/Hymwgk/point_cloud_process.git
    cd ..
    catkin build
    • 使用
    roslaunch point_cloud_process marker_track.launch
    rosrun point_cloud_process get_table_points ~/catkin_ws/src/point_cloud_process/config/prepocess_prarm.txt
  3. 获取机械臂当前状态

    cd $HOME/code/PointNetGPD/dex-net/apps  
    python get_panda_state.py   #anaconda2  python2
  4. 运行感知节点
    这部分就是实际使用PointNetGPD的部分,读取预处理后桌面上的目标区域点云,基于点云进行gpg,之后将夹爪内部的点云送入pointNet中打分,并以ROS消息的形式输出good grasp

    cd $HOME/code/PointNetGPD/dex-net/apps
    python kinect2grasp.py   #anaconda2  python2
    -h, --help                 show this help message and exit
    --cuda                     使用CUDA进行计算
    --gpu GPU                  指定使用的GPU编号
    --load-model LOAD_MODEL    设置使用了哪个训练好的网络 (这个参数其实没有效果,被后面的model_type MODEL_TYPE覆盖了)
    --show_final_grasp         设置是否显示最终抓取(修改了多线程不显示的问题)
    --tray_grasp               not finished grasp type(还没搞好)
    --using_mp                 是否使用多线程去进行抓取采样
    --model_type MODEL_TYPE    从三种模型中选择使用哪个模型
    python kinect2grasp.py  --cuda  --gpu  0  --load-model  ../data/1v_500_2class_ourway2sample.model   --using_mp   --model_type   750


If you found PointNetGPD useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={{PointNetGPD}: Detecting Grasp Configurations from Point Sets},
  author={Liang, Hongzhuo and Ma, Xiaojian and Li, Shuang and G{\"o}rner, Michael and Tang, Song and Fang, Bin and Sun, Fuchun and Zhang, Jianwei},
  booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
