
Easily Chain Animations in {N}ativescript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Easily Chain Animations in {N}ativescript using the Greensock Animation Platform https://greensock.com

clone this repo run tns install tns platform add android or tns platform add ios and start animating!! then call any {N} animation directly like translateX,translateY,opacity ...

first do npm i greensock or use Sidekick to install


function onNavigatingTo(args) {
 const page = args.object;
    const tl = new TimelineLite();
     const body = page.getViewById('mainStackLayout');
     const text =  page.getViewById('text');
      text.opacity=0;//initially hiding the lable
tl.to(body, 0.1, {translateX:-300}).to(body, 0.1, {translateX:10}).to(body, 0.1, {translateX:2}).to(body, 0.1, {translateX:10}).to(body, 0.1, {translateX:6}).to(body, 0.1, {translateX:10}).to(body, 0.1, {translateX:0}).to(text, 0.8, {opacity:1});

let me break it down tl.to(body, 0.1, {translateX:-300}) where "body" is the element to be Animated, then duration in seconds, 1 is one second so 0.1 is 100miliseconds, then the animation type and how far to do it like above "-300" means 300 independent pixels left

or tl.to(body,1,{opacity:1,rotate:120,rotate:90,translateY:-100,translateY:0}) all this in one second