
These are the PCB files, BOM, pictures and all technical drawings needed to make the Block Manger PCB for the DKblock

Block Manager

Hardware Files For The Block Manager Board

These are the printed circuit board (PCB) files, CAD files, specification sheets and all technical drawings needed to make the DKblock Block Manager board. There are two boards that make a minimum DK system, a Block Manager PCB and a Pack Supervisor PCB (with software changes to the 20 client version provided). Note that the bill of materials (BOM) and other technical documents can be opened in OpenOffice format and PCB files are in EAGLE format but they can also be opened and edited in the open source Kicad program. One version is provided, that is Rev D which is a fully tested board.

Block Manager Features

Block Manager Front RevD

Block Manager Back RevD

Block Manager Schematic RevD1 Page 1

Block Manager Schematic RevD1 Page 2

Open Hardware

All DKblock software and hardware is released as open source hardware (OSHW) as defined by the OSHWA: https://www.oshwa.org/definition/ and under the JSON license defined at https://www.json.org/license.html