A collection of small classes to experiment with new language features in Java 7
Java 7 is getting a bit old, it's true - and Java 8 features are all the rage now. But when I learned Java in 2006, Java 6 was just on the horizon, being published later that year. So I became a Sun certified Java 5 developer. Then, 2011 Java 7 came - and was mostly ignored by the projects that I got to work on. I was lucky to have only a few customer projects with Java 4, but the vast majority used language level 5 or 6. Customers are not in a hurry to upgrade large projects and often cannot care less for "fancy new features". Even at my current job, many modules have been written in Java 5, so it is not easy to stay current with the latest and greatest that Java has to offer.
This project is a learning exercise to find and enlighten the dark corners of my Java skills map :)
Comments and contributions welcome.
Ingo Wiarda - mail: Ingo_Wiarda@dewarim.de