Table of Contents

Needed software

The observation track

With Chrome

Using chrome://net-internals#http2 . Note that you can use "Flush Sockets" in the upper right corner to force Chrome to re-establish an HTTP/2 connection.

  • Observe connection coalescing:
    • Verify that they share the same IP:
    • Check the SAN: openssl s_client -connect 2>&1 | openssl x509 -text | grep -A1 'Subject Alternative Name'
  • Observer pushes
    • observe how H2O replicated some of the headers for the request that originated the push

With Firefox

The low-level client track

Build h2get:

  • cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/openssl@1.1/1.1.0f .

h2get embeds a Ruby interpreter, it can be used as following: ./h2get script.rb

Establishing a connection

GOAWAY frames

An endpoint that encounters a connection error SHOULD first send a GOAWAY frame (Section 6.8) with the stream identifier of the last stream that it successfully received from its peer

  • Send invalid values in the SETTINGS frame in order to obtain a response from the server (search for PROTOCOL_ERROR in the RFC)
  • Send an invalid stream id -- use send_headers

PING frames

Have a client sending send PING frames ( or respond to PING)


Implement decode_int

Checkout the no-decode-int branch, use ./test_decode_int to check the implementation.

The server track

H2O frame handling

H2O core frame handling function is lib/http2/connection.c::expect_default. This function dispatches the received frame depending on its type. Apply 0001-Output-priorities.patch in order to have priority information about the requests output to stderr.

Following the same model, instrument handle_window_update_frame in order to understand how browsers send WINDOW_UPDATE frames.

www/ has a directory that can be used as a root directory to serve different type of contents.

Using H2O as a library

This assumes that you've built and installed h2o. This repository comes with a small C server that uses libh2o that we will customize.

  • install and compile h2o:
    • cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/openssl@1.1/1.1.0f/ .
    • make -j 4 && make install
  • Build the sample server in this directory:
    • make
  • Add a handler that sends a JS file Make that JS of variable size, denpending on an URL parameter, use h2o_req_t to find the path of the request .
  • Add a handler that sends a CSS file Make this of variable size
  • Add a handler that sends an HTML file Reference the js and css, multiple times
  • Add a 'Link: preload' header