
Command line pastebin for sharing terminal output.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

fiche Build Status

Command line pastebin for sharing terminal output.


  1. Clone into repository:

  2. Build program:

  3. Install:

    sudo make install

Client-side usage

Self explanatory live examples:

ls -la | nc localhost 9999
cat file.txt | nc solusipse.net 9999
echo just testing! | nc code.solusipse.net 9999

If you haven't already set up your server on localhost, try second or third command. My personal server is providing fiche-based service all the time on this address solusipse.net and this port 9999.

  • To upload text you need to have netcat installed (to check if netcat is installed, simply type nc in terminal).

Server-side usage

usage: fiche [-pbsdolBuw].
             [-d domain] [-p port] [-s slug size]
             [-o output directory] [-B buffer size] [-u user name]
             [-l log file] [-b banlist] [-w whitelist]

These are command line arguments. You don't have to provide any, but providing basic is recommended. Without them, program will use these default settings:

domain = "http://localhost/";
basedir= "~/code/";
port = 9999;
slug_size = 4;
buffer_size = 8192;


Most important is providing basedir and domain.


Basedir should be absolute path to directory where you would like to store text files.

fiche -o /absolute/path/to/directory/
fiche -o /home/www/code/


Domain should be provided in such format domain.com.

fiche -d domain.com
fiche -d subdomain.domain.com

Slug size

This will force fiche to create random slugs with given length, example:

fiche -s 6

User name

If you use fiche as service (see details below) you may want to save files as other user, to do that use -u option, there's example:

fiche -u http


This parameter defines max file size uploaded by user, by default it is set to 32768. Use -B parameter to change it:

fiche -B 2048

Log file

Path to file where all logs will be stored:

fiche -l /home/www/fiche-log.txt

Ban list

Path to file where you provided all banned IP adresses:

fiche -b /home/www/fiche-bans.txt

White list

If whitelist mode is enabled, only addresses from list will be able to upload files. There's example:

fiche -w /home/www/fiche-whitelist.txt

Whitelist and banlist syntax

There is no specific syntax, there files may contain not only addresses.


Logging connections with banlist:

fiche -d domain.com -l /home/www/log.txt -b /home/www/bans.txt

Only for personal use with whitelist

fiche -d domain.com -w /home/www/whitelist.txt

Custom output directory, bigger slug size, reduced buffer, custom port:

fiche -d domain.com -o /media/disk/fiche/ -s 8 -B 2048 -p 6666

Running as service

You can run fiche as service, there is simple systemd example:


ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/fiche -d code.solusipse.net -o /home/www/code/ -l /home/www/log.txt


In service mode you have to set output directory with -o parameter, there's example:

fiche -o /home/www/code/


To make files available for users, you need to host them somehow. Http server is easiest option. Just set root directory to BASEDIR.

There is sample configuration for nginx:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name mysite.com www.mysite.com;
    charset utf-8;

    location / {
            root /home/www/code/;
            index index.txt index.html;


Fiche is MIT licensed.