A utility for helping make software releases
Right now this helps me create homebrew recipes for my golang projects by inspecting github and generateing recipe files. See my tap for an example.
releasetool brew deweysasser/cumulus
releasetool brew -f repos.yaml
owner: deweysasser
tap: deweysasser/tap
- owner: deweysasser
repo: cumulus
description: Bulk access to multiple AWS clouds
- repo: olympus
- owner: deweysasser
repo: cumulus-private
- file: examples/README-test.md
section: "## Software"
Because I am annoyed by "open core" software that tries to leverage Open Source to build a market for proprietary "features". Maybe I'll get over that annoyance and depreate this project. Maybe not.
Also, this tool generates live from github rather than during the build process. Both can be useful -- this is the pattern that works for me right now.