This code is archived and unmaintained.


Code, slides and docker support for a training seminar on coding standards for team coding methodology for a team already somewhat familiar with python.

I was one of several presenters, this module contains only my slides and code examples and a bit of scaffolding.


  • code/test -- code examples accompying the testing presentation
  • docker/jenkins -- the Jenkins docker image used in this seminar (can also docker pull deweysasser/training-jenkins)
  • code/project -- a placeholder for project code
  • Makefile -- a driver for all of this


For those without 'make', use the '' and '' shell scripts

For this with make...

'make project'

Assuming you have 'make' installed, you can type "make" or "make project" and it will build a docker image containing code/project and run the "" in that directory (which defaults to a trivial flask example).

'make jenkins'

This will build a new jenkins image and run it, preserving any state you have in the jenkins-volume data container. (I.e. it will preserve the build jobs you've already created.)

Seminar Outline

  • Day 1
    • Morning
      • OO development (Ian, 60m)
        • Inheritances vs. containment
        • Encapsulation
        • Polymorphism
        • Delegation
      • Testing (Dewey, 60m) <>
      • Build Pipelines (Ben, 30m)
        • Pipeline steps
        • Promotion levels
        • Best Practices
      • Group Exercise -- get Jenkins running on your system (Ben, 15 minutes)
    • Afternoon
      • Work on component parts with unit tests
      • Peer review
  • Day 2
    • Morning
      • MVC (Ian, 45-60m)
      • REST (Ian, 30m)
      • Python coding standards (Dewey, 30-60m) <>
      • 5 minute overview of flask (Ian)
      • 5 minutes of html generation in python (Dewey)
    • Afternoon
      • Integrate small parts into MVC/REST framework
      • Peer review
  • Day 3
    • Morning
      • Refactoring patterns (Dewey, 60m)
    • Afternoon
      • Putting it all together
      • Peer review