
Ruby puts debugging made easy

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Still Maintained as of October 2022


It rhymes with gooder, not gutter.

Putter is a tool for more easily implementing puts debugging. Instead of littering files with various puts statements, you can wrap an object with a follower or watcher and print out anytime a method is called on that object. This will follow the object throughout its path in the stack.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "putter"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install putter


There are two ways to use putter. Putter.follow and Putter.watch.


Putter.follow will allow you to create a wrapper around an object and then you can pass that wrapped object around. The advantage to using follow is that if a method is called that doesn't exist, or a method is created at runtime, the wrapped object will intercept those calls. This works on both instances and classes.

However, following a class will not result in created instances of that class being followed. Additionally, following an object will not allow you to intercept calls to a class that occurred outside the wrapped object. For that functionality, use Putter.watch.

Putter.follow usage:

class MyObject
  def hello(arg, punc)
    "Hello #{arg.to_s}#{punc}"

module Service
  def self.do_stuff(obj)
    obj.hello(:world, "!")

object = Putter.follow(MyObject.new)

Will output:

Putter Debugging: Object instance ./putter/README.md:57 -- Method: :hello, Args: [:world, "!"], Result: "Hello world!"

Putter.follow Options

  label: "My object",  # Optional - Label to use after "Putter Debugging:  My object".
  # Will be "ClassName" for classes or "ClassName instance" for instances
  methods: ["my_method"],  # Optional - If array is empty, then all methods will be watched.
  # Otherwise, this is an array of methods to print debugging input for. This will override
  # any settings in the configuration denylist


Putter.watch can be used on classes to follow created instances of the class or to intercept class method calls that occur throughout your application.

Putter.watch usage:

class MyObject
  def self.hello_class(arg, punc)
    "The class says hello #{arg.to_s}#{punc}"

  def hello_instance(arg, punc)
    "An instance says hello #{arg.to_s}#{punc}"

MyObject.hello_class("world", "!")
my_obj = MyObject.new
my_obj.hello_instance("world", "!")

Will output:

Putter Debugging: MyObject ./putter/README.md:96 -- Method: :hello_class, Args: ["world", "!"], Result: The class says hello world!
Putter Debugging: MyObject ./putter/README.md:96 -- Method: :new, Args: [], Result: #<MyObject:0x0000000000>
Putter Debugging: MyObject instance 1 ./putter/README.md:97 -- Method: :hello_instance, Args: ["world", "!"], Result: The instance says hello world!

Putter.watch Options

  label: "My class",  # Optional - Label to use after "Putter Debugging:  My class". Will be "ClassName" for classes or "ClassName instance #" for instances
  methods: ["my_method"],  # Optional - If array is empty, then all methods will be watched.
  # Otherwise, this is an array of methods to print debugging input for. This will override
  # any settings in the configuration denylist


Putter currently has 3 configuration options:

Putter.configure do |config|
  # "print_strategy" takes a block that receives a data object with the label, line,
  # method, args string, and result respectively. This block will be used after each method
  # is called, it must contain puts or logger calls, to print or any other method callbacks
  # that are helpful.

  # Defaults to Putter::PrintStrategy::Default
  config.print_strategy = Proc.new do |data|
    puts "#{data.line} - Label: #{data.label}, Method: #{data.method}, Args: #{data.args}, Result: #{data.result}"

  # "ignore_methods_from" takes an array of class names and will ignore both class and instance methods
  # from those classes when adding methods to the proxy and adding debug output

  # Defaults to [Object] or [Object, ActiveRecord::Based] if defined
  config.ignore_methods_from = [Object, ActiveRecord::Base]

  # "methods_allowlist" takes an array of methods and will always proxy and debug those methods
  # regardless of whether or not the class is ignored and regardless of what methods are passed
  # in when running "Putter.follow" or "Putter.watch"

  # Defaults to []
  config.methods_allowlist = [:to_s]

  # "methods_denylist" takes an array of methods and will never proxy. If this is combined
  # with the `methods_allowlist` then it will raise a `MethodConflictError`.

  # Defaults to []
  config.methods_denylist = [:to_s]

  # "allow_production" takes a boolean and determines whether or not Putter will run if
  # `Rails.env == "production"`

  # Defaults to false
  config.allow_production = false


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/dewyze/putter. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.