Hybrid Cloud


Tested with the following versions:

  • OpenShift 4.5.7

  • OpenShift Serverless 4.3

  • Skupper 0.3.0

Download Sources

git clone https://github.com/redhat-developer-demos/hybrid-cloud
export HYBRID_CLOUD_HOME=`pwd`/hybrid-cloud
git clone https://github.com/redhat-developer-demos/hybrid-cloud-app-frontend
export BACKEND_APP_HOME=`pwd`/hybrid-cloud-app-backend
git clone https://github.com/redhat-developer-demos/hybrid-cloud-app-backend
export FRONTEND_APP_HOME=`pwd`/hybrid-cloud-app-frontend

Lets use the following variables to refer to the source repositories cloned above:


Let us call the OpenShift Clusters as Cloud-1, Cloud-2 and Cloud-3.

The following table shows the cloud and what components gets installed on each of them:

Table 1. Clouds and Components
Component Cloud-1 Cloud-2 Cloud-3

Cloud Provider






Generate Site Token(token.yaml)

You can use any cloud provider for any OpenShift4 supported cloud, the gcp/aws/azr is used in this example.

Before the backend or frontend applications are deployed, execute the following on each cloud:

oc apply -k k8s/core
oc project hybrid-cloud-demo
oc apply -k k8s/rbac


Add Image Streams

oc import-image hybrid-cloud-backend --confirm --all --from quay.io/rhdevelopers/hybrid-cloud-demo-backend
# set local lookup policy
oc set image-lookup hybrid-cloud-backend
oc import-image hybrid-cloud-frontend --confirm --all --from quay.io/rhdevelopers/hybrid-cloud-demo-frontend
# set local lookup policy
oc set image-lookup hybrid-cloud-frontend
oc apply -k k8s/skupper/gcp


Add Image Streams

oc import-image hybrid-cloud-backend --confirm --all --from quay.io/rhdevelopers/hybrid-cloud-demo-backend
# set local lookup policy
oc set image-lookup hybrid-cloud-backend
oc apply -k k8s/skupper/aws


Add Image Streams

oc import-image hybrid-cloud-backend --confirm --all --from quay.io/rhdevelopers/hybrid-cloud-demo-backend
# set local lookup policy
oc set image-lookup hybrid-cloud-backend
oc apply -k k8s/skupper/azr

Run the following commands on Cloud-1, Cloud-2 and Cloud-3 to wait for skupper deployments to be ready:

oc rollout status deployment skupper-site-controller
oc rollout status deployment skupper-router
oc rollout status deployment skupper-service-controller

Backend Deployment

On all clouds Cloud-1, Cloud-2 and Cloud-3, run the following commands to deploy Knative backend:

Deploy backend application(Knative):

oc apply -k k8s/knative

If you want traditional Kubenretes deployment then use the run the following command:

oc apply -k k8s/vanilla

Run the following command to check the status:

oc get pods,svc,ksvc

A successful deployments of core,rbac,skupper and backend components, should show an output like:

NAME                                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/hybrid-cloud-backend-p948k-deployment-b49c9569b-ggv8z   2/2     Running   0          26s
pod/skupper-router-56c4544bbc-dhckt                         3/3     Running   0          43m
pod/skupper-service-controller-5bcf486799-v2hl2             2/2     Running   0          43m
pod/skupper-site-controller-5cf967f858-z2dx8                1/1     Running   0          43m

NAME                                         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                  PORT(S)                             AGE
service/hybrid-cloud-backend                 ExternalName   <none>           kourier-internal.knative-serving-ingress.svc.cluster.local   <none>                              21s
service/hybrid-cloud-backend-p948k           ClusterIP   <none>                                                       80/TCP                              26s
service/hybrid-cloud-backend-p948k-private   ClusterIP   <none>                                                       80/TCP,9090/TCP,9091/TCP,8022/TCP   26s
service/hybrid-cloud-backend-skupper         LoadBalancer      <pending>                                                    80:31554/TCP                        29s
service/skupper-controller                   ClusterIP    <none>                                                       443/TCP                             43m
service/skupper-internal                     ClusterIP   <none>                                                       55671/TCP,45671/TCP                 43m
service/skupper-messaging                    ClusterIP    <none>                                                       5671/TCP                            43m
service/skupper-router-console               ClusterIP    <none>                                                       443/TCP                             43m

NAME                                               URL                                                                 LATESTCREATED                LATESTREADY                  READY   REASON
service.serving.knative.dev/hybrid-cloud-backend    http://hybrid-cloud-backend.hybrid-cloud-demo.svc.cluster.local   hybrid-cloud-backend-p948k   hybrid-cloud-backend-p948k   True

When using the vanilla deployment you will not have ksvc and service/hybrid-cloud-backend-skupper service.

Connecting Clouds

On Cloud-1, run the following command to create site-token secret:

oc apply -k k8s/van

The site-token seceret will be used to connect clouds Cloud-2 and Cloud-3 to Cloud-1 forming a Virtual Application Network(VAN).

Run the following command to export the site-token secret:

oc get secret -n hybrid-cloud-demo site-token -o yaml > $HYBRID_CLOUD_HOME/token.yaml

To connect Cloud-2 and Cloud-3 with Cloud-1, run the following command on Cloud-2 and Cloud-3:


Make sure the Cloud-2 starts to spill over after 4 requests in queue:

yq w $HYBRID_CLOUD_HOME/token.yaml 'metadata.annotations[skupper.io/cost]' --tag '!!str' 4 | oc create -n hybrid-cloud-demo -f -


Make sure the Cloud-3 starts to spill over after 2 requests in queue:

yq w $HYBRID_CLOUD_HOME/token.yaml 'metadata.annotations[skupper.io/cost]' --tag '!!str' 2 | oc create -n hybrid-cloud-demo -f -

A successfull connection can be verified using the following commands, on Cloud-1:

export SKUPPER_POD=$(oc get pods --selector=application=skupper-router -ojsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
kubectl exec -it $SKUPPER_POD -- qdmanage query --type node

The command should show an output as shown below:

    "index": 0,
    "nextHop": "(self)",
    "name": "router.node/hybrid-cloud-gcp-skupper-router-7b9fcf9575-knrsd",
    "validOrigins": [],
    "linkState": [
    "instance": 1599839762,
    "identity": "router.node/hybrid-cloud-gcp-skupper-router-7b9fcf9575-knrsd",
    "protocolVersion": 1,
    "lastTopoChange": 1599840055,
    "type": "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.router.node",
    "id": "hybrid-cloud-gcp-skupper-router-7b9fcf9575-knrsd",
    "address": "amqp:/_topo/0/hybrid-cloud-gcp-skupper-router-7b9fcf9575-knrsd"
    "routerLink": 0,
    "name": "router.node/hybrid-cloud-aws-skupper-router-5946d4544f-mgswf",
    "index": 1,
    "validOrigins": [
    "protocolVersion": 1,
    "linkState": [
    "instance": 1599840049,
    "cost": 4,
    "address": "amqp:/_topo/0/hybrid-cloud-aws-skupper-router-5946d4544f-mgswf",
    "type": "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.router.node",
    "id": "hybrid-cloud-aws-skupper-router-5946d4544f-mgswf",
    "identity": "router.node/hybrid-cloud-aws-skupper-router-5946d4544f-mgswf"
    "routerLink": 1,
    "name": "router.node/hybrid-cloud-azr-skupper-router-675cb597fc-75g2x",
    "index": 2,
    "validOrigins": [
    "protocolVersion": 1,
    "linkState": [
    "instance": 1599840051,
    "cost": 2,
    "address": "amqp:/_topo/0/hybrid-cloud-azr-skupper-router-675cb597fc-75g2x",
    "type": "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.router.node",
    "id": "hybrid-cloud-azr-skupper-router-675cb597fc-75g2x",
    "identity": "router.node/hybrid-cloud-azr-skupper-router-675cb597fc-75g2x"

Verify Status


Running skupper status on the clouds should show the following output:

Skupper is enabled for namespace '"hybrid-cloud-demo" in interior mode'. It is connected to 2 other sites. It has 1 exposed service.


Running skupper status on the clouds should show the following output:

Skupper is enabled for namespace '"hybrid-cloud-demo" in interior mode'. It is connected to 2 other sites (1 indirectly). It has 1 exposed service.


Running skupper status on the clouds should show the following output:

Skupper is enabled for namespace '"hybrid-cloud-demo" in interior mode'. It is connected to 2 other sites (1 indirectly). It has 1 exposed service.

Since Cloud-1 is where we generated the site-token secret to connect to other sites, makes it directly connected to other clouds Cloud-2 and Cloud-3. For other clouds you will see one direct to Cloud-1 and one indirect connection to other cloud.

Verify Exposed Services

You can verify that, in all connected clouds running the following command skupper list-exposed shows the following output:

When Knative backend was deployed:

Services exposed through Skupper:
    hybrid-cloud-backend-skupper (http port 80) with targets
      => hybrid-cloud-backend.hybrid-cloud-demo name=hybrid-cloud-backend.hybrid-cloud-demo

When standard Kubernetes (vanilla) backend was deployed:

Services exposed through Skupper:
    hybrid-cloud-backend (http port 80) with targets
      => hybrid-cloud-backend.hybrid-cloud-demo name=hybrid-cloud-backend.hybrid-cloud-demo

Frontend Deployment

On Cloud-1 deploy the frontend by running the following command:

oc apply -k k8s/knative

Get the URL to access the frontend application:

oc get route -n hybrid-cloud-demo hybrid-cloud-frontend