
A vue (2.x) component support big data and infinite loading by using virtual scroll list.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NPM version Vue version MIT License
NPM Info


A vue (2.x) component support big data and infinite loading by using virtual scroll list.

  • Tiny and easy to use.

  • Big data list and infinite loading.

  • Set the initial scroll index or change any.

  • List scrolling, to top and bottom can be detected.

How it works

Live demos

Simple usage

Using by npm:

npm install vue-virtual-scroll-list --save
        <virtualList :size="40" :remain="8">
            <Item v-for="(item, index) of items" :item="item" :key="item.id" />

    import Item from '../item.vue'
    import virtualList from 'vue-virtual-scroll-list'

    export default {
        name: 'demo',
        data () {
            return {
                items: [...]
        components: { Item, virtualList }

The <Item> component is included inside but defined outside the <virtualList> component. We see that <virtualList> not rely on <Item> component. So you can use virtual-list with any list item component freely.

Using by script tag:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.0.0/dist/vue.js"></script>
<script src="https://tangbc.github.io/vue-virtual-scroll-list/index.js"></script>

<div id="app">
    <virtual-list :size="40" :remain="8">
        <div class="item" v-for="(item, index) of items" :key="index">Item: # {{ index }}</div>
// Global name as `VirutalScrollList`
Vue.component('virtual-list', VirutalScrollList)

new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data: {
        items: new Array(100000)

Notice: list Item component or DOM frag using v-for must designate the :key property.

Props type

Prop Type Required Description
size Number Each list item height, currently only supports fixed height.
remain Number How many items except show in virtual-list viewport, so size and remian will determine the virtual-list outside container height (size × remian).
start Number * Default value is 0, the initial scroll start index. It must be integer and in the range of list index, do nothing but throw a warnning if not match.
rtag String * Default value is div, the virtual-list's root HTMLElement tag name, in all case it's style is set to display: block;
wtag String * Default value is div, the virtual-list's item wrapper HTMLElement tag name, in all case it's style is set to display: block;
onscroll Function * Called when virtual-list scroll event hanlding, param: (e, scrollTop).
totop Function * Called when the virtual-list is scrolled to top.
tobottom Function * Called when the virtual-list is scrolled to bottom.


Welcome to improve vue-virtual-scroll-list by any pull request or issue.


See releasese.


MIT License