
Fetch Tweets from Twitter and display them in a scatterplot and a barchart. Can be used for research purposes.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

tweet-chart 🐦📊

v1.0.0 🚀

Fetch Tweets from Twitter and display them in a chart. Can be used for research purposes.

The code is ready for usage but is under development to add more features. 🚀

How to use

  • Get your Twitter Developer Account API keys from https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/dashboard.
  • Put them in the .env.template file.
  • Rename the file from .env.template to .env.
  • Now open main.py and modify the hashtag and number_of_tweets variables on Line 9 and 10 to your desired values.
  • Now run main.py in the terminal using python.

Features To-Do ☑️

[ ] Add visual UI

[ ] Optimize code perfomance

[ ] Make a website to use this tool on the web

How it works 🤔

Code explanation

The main.py file first imports the tweepy, os, geopy, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, load_dotenv from dotenv and Nominatim from geopy.geocoders.

Then variables containing information about the version, number_of_tweets to be fetched and the hashtag of which the tweets have to be fetched.

The load_dotenv() function is then used to load the environment variables containing the API keys, secrets and access token credentials.

The program displays the version and the status.

Now, the below code

auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(os.getenv("API_KEY"), os.getenv("API_SECRET")) auth.set_access_token(os.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN"), os.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET"))

retrieves the credentials and sets the access token with tweepy.OAuthHandler.

Then, api = tweepy.API(auth) authenticates with OAuth Twitter API.

The program then search for tweets with the hashtag provided with tweepy.Cursor().items(number_of_tweets).

A locations dictionary is then created with locations = {} to store the locations of the user's tweets.

geolocator Nominatim is used to obtain the latitudes and longitudes of the users' tweets.

plt.scatter is then used to create a ScatterPlot and then a BarPlot is made. The charts are then displayed and saved after closing the dialog.