
This quick start is aimed to take the provisioning of AKS beyond a simple "az aks create" command and to include the minimum that most of my customers have required for a production workload. I am also working on a different deployment model for AKS to sit in a hub and spoke architecure and will update with a link to the repository when it is complete. This example already includes a range of useful features which should help most people move forward with producing a production like environment.

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AKS real world quick start

This quick start is aimed to take the provisioning of AKS beyond a simple "az aks create" command and to include the minimum that most of my customers have required for a production workload. I am also working on a different deployment model for AKS to sit in a hub and spoke architecure and will update with a link to the repository when it is complete. This example already includes a range of useful features which should help most people move forward with producing a production like environment.


Build Status

Current features

  • RBAC cluster
  • Helm and Tiller included in the cluster
    • Tiller per namespace with relevant Service Account and role bindings
  • Generation of SSH keys
  • Traefik for ingress
  • Cluster on a dedicated VNet
  • Created Service Principal for cluster nodes
  • Service Principal assigned as Network Contributor with Resource Group
  • Application Gateway V2 with WAF in front of Traefik
  • Custom domain on App Gateway
  • Creation and assignment of DNS record
  • Creation and assignment of Let's Encrypt certificate to App Gateway
  • Monitoring solutions installed
    • Container Insights through Azure Monitor
    • Monitoring Metrics Publisher
  • Demo App
  • Network Policy
    • Accepted policy for Traefik -> api
    • Blocked policy for Traefik -> blocked


  • Switch to use Nginx (Used by more customers)
  • Include Pod Identity
  • Once Pod Identity is included switch to use App Gateway as ingress controller
  • Azure AD SPs for Container Registry RBAC. Reader for cluster and Contributor for DevOps Pipeline
  • Dev Spaces
  • Move Service Principal role assignment to Subnet rather than the whole Resource Group


Get up and running

Start by cloning or forking this repository, we will then setup Terraform with a Service Principal and a remote storage account, so we can automate the provisioning of the environment.
