Salary Sage

Salary Sage

Salary Sage is an AI-powered web app that helps you practice negotiating your salary. It uses GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 to realistically mock an interviewer, provides hints if you are stuck, and gives detailed feedback on your performance.

It is built with Next.js, Supabase, and Tailwind CSS.

Team Members

Name Matric Number Github Contributions
Charisma Kausar A0226593X @ckcherry23 Frontend + UI/UX
Dexter Leng A0273293Y @dexterleng Fullstack
Sherwin A0218177Y @sherrpass Prompt Engineering + Backend
Quan Teng Foong A0223929X @kaldius Backend

Setup instructions

  1. Clone the Repo
  2. Configure Supabase:
  • Install Docker Desktop
  • Under Settings -> Advanced:
    • System
  • Allow the default Docker socket to be used
  1. supabase link
  2. supabase start
  3. Create .env.local in project root:
  1. Start the project: vercel dev

Check out the docs for Local Development to also run Supabase locally.


  • Tech Offers Repo - salary data
  • shadcn/ui - basic UI components