
⚠️ This repository is outdated.
My current dotfiles can be found at

This repository contains my personal dotfiles and scripts to replicate the setup on any machine.


If migrating to a new machine, use the following to automatically clone all the dotfiles and setup the shell environment correctly.

Make sure you have logged out of the XFCE session and execute the following inside a tty

curl -Lks | /bin/bash

Restart the machine and log back in. Don't log in without restarting. #+BEGIN_SRC sh shutdown -r now #+END_SRC

To install the vital software packages:

bash ~/.scripts/

Private configuration and files like ssh keys and gpg encrypted files are synced using google drive and rclone.

The remote drive can then be set up using

drivesync down

If the above does not work, it is most commonly due to the passwords being wrongly mangled by the script. Use rclone config and edit the remote remote-drive-encrypt with the correct passwords and try the above command again. This issue seemed to be solved as of now.


dotfiles command

This is an alias for git

  • Use dotfiles status to check what dotfiles have changed
  • Use dotfiles add <filename> to add changes made to any file into the repository from anywhere
  • Use dotfiles commit -m "message"= and =dotfiles push to push changes to git remote from anywhere

drivesync command

  • use drivesync down to copy the private files to machine and make symlinks in the proper places
  • use drivesync up to make the local changes be reflected in remote drive
  • use drivesync backup to update a backup of the Drive folder
  • use drivesync restore to restore from the last backup of the Drive folder

The files are encrypted on the local machine before sending to the remote drive, so google does not snoop on my secrets.

Directory Structure


  • Private files that need to be synced to Google Drive but need to be encrypted should be kept in ~/Private.
  • Keep files that need to be symlinked to other locations in ~/Private/home. Files in ~/Private but not in ~/Private/home will be synced with encryption but will not be symlinked automatically.


  • Normal files that need to be backed up to Google Drive should be kept in ~/Drive. These will not be encrypted.