
:metal: My collection of dotfiles for tmux, vim and zsh

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


To install these dotfiles you should run following:


to install all dotfiles with Neovim as default vim.


./install.sh --classic-vim

If you want to set up classic vim (7.*) instead of Neovim.

It'll install on your computer:

  • python
  • macvim (if you use os x)
  • vim
  • neovim
  • tmux
  • curl
  • zsh

Then you should install Neovim plugins (just exec following):


And compile YouComplteMe: https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe#installation

That's all what you need to do to use this dotfiles.

These are my tmux, vim, neovim, editorconfig and zsh configs.


  1. Session name
  2. Inactive window
  3. Active window
  4. Active pane
  5. Simple date/time info panel

###Tmux hot keys

There are only one thing you should know: you can use Ctrl + h / j / k / l to jump between panes

###Vim hot keys

First of all, you should know that my Leader key is ,

Action Binding
Toggle nerd tree Ctrl + n
Show Ctrl-p panel Ctrl + p
Switch buffer Ctrl + h / j / k / l
Format JS/HTML/CSS Ctrl + f
Find and replace word under the cursor Leader + s

That's all. Remaining keys are default.

###Terminal emulator settings

NOTE: You have to set "Droid Sans Mono for Powerline Nerd Font Complete.otf" as a font by default in your terminal emulator.

Like that: