
NRO Forwarder is messing up paths

HeikesFootSlave opened this issue · 8 comments

Dear dezem,

I made a nsp with SAK because I wanted to have a NSP version of: NX Theme Installer!
If I use the reboot button in the NSP version of it I will always be booted into OFW :(
Something gets messed up on the way from NRO to NSP!
If I use override of gametitle and do the same in the NRO version it uses "reboot to payload" (that I set up in atmosphere "system_settings.ini") correctly and boots into atmosphere!

I'm not a coder so I just have a maybe idea?!

Would it be possible to catch a "reboot _call" from the NRO and somehow inject it into the NSP when it is forwarded with SAK?
Or would it be possible to code a function that recognize any reboot and will then use the "reboot to payload" function and injects that into the created NSP (something like a hook_up)?

Yeah, I know sounds stupid and crazy! Like I said: I'm definitely NOT a coder!
Would be more than awesome to get something like that!

Greetings from Germany and thank you so much for your precious time!
Have a nice weekend!

dezem commented

Hi there,

for me it works normal, if i use NXThemesInstaller it reboots me to CFW not OFW.

Could you try my attached version for the NSP Forwarder also the NXThemesInstaller.nro

NX Themes


dezem commented

I found out, after writing you, that the problem is not using "override title" to get in HBL or using NSP that aren't from the developer itself! Forwarders can make lot of trouble especially if someone just made one!

Yes, it's not the best way, but it works great for most.
I'm personally not a fan of the forwarders and don't use them myself.
But the community wants it, so it was integrated from some time ago into SAK.
At the time when the original Nro2Nsp tool no longer supported the latest FW.

Also found out that the "System_settings.ini" from atmosphere wasn't used in way!
There you can't change which payloads should be used for the reboot to payload.
It only changes the feature from the normal reboot from the power menu.

If you want a special payload at reboot, you must change atmosphere/reboot_payload.bin with your one.

PS if you are interested in my atmosphere settings with a really good DNS blocking host file take a look into it! Would be awesome to get feedback from you! Host file is blocking extreme and also blocks many ads and tracking from Google and YouTube (if you use the YouTube app)! Had to trick a bit with the appstore to let it thru because the address is "" and everything with switch or nintendo is blocked! Also some game servers!

Ya i know it, your also on 😉

I'm kempa on psxtools...Grüße aus Deutschland 😄

dezem commented

Please stay in english here 😉

Das mit den Forwardern finde ich überhaupt nicht gut wenn mein Sohn gerne mal mit meiner switch spielt! So kommt er nicht auf Programme die einiges ändern können

Ya, that's why it's the best to DON'T use NRO Forwarders...

Wenn man apk in zip umbenennt kommt man ja ganz leicht an alle Daten! Ich denke da ganz speziell an das Youtube von vanced! Komplett schwarz (heute ist es ja schon besser geworden mit einstellen), I'm Hintergrund abspielen und das BESTE 0 ads (man kann ja jetzt bei vanced alles aus oder an machen)! Gibt es eine Möglichkeit oder ist das Wunschdenken!

Unfortunately that's wishful thinking.
Android apps don't run on the Switch in the Horizon OS.
You have to install Android on your Switch to use the Android APKs.

You can't compare potatoes with pears 😄

dezem commented

The Horizon OS is a own developed OS from Nintendo.

And ya the most OS on the marked are based on linux, also Windows.
But you can't run the tools compiled for specific OS and hardware on a different OS without recompile it or use emulator stuff.

So it gets off topic here, i will close it also 😉