
Generates a digest of a JSON string with configurable normalization and hash algorithm

Primary LanguageC#


Generates a digest of a JSON string with configurable normalization and hash algorithm.

Usage example:

var obj = @"
    ""foo"": 4.10000, 
    ""bar"": ""thing"", 
    ""stuff"": [ ""erm"", {""b"": 1, ""a"": 2}, 7 ],
    ""other"": { 
        ""surname"": ""Fowler"", 
        ""forename"": ""Derek"" 

var digester = new JsonDigest();
var digest = digester.Generate(obj); // => def26d4afaead860a3b4ebe03fba54e6

To generate the digest the JSON is normalized (object properties alphabetized, whitespace stripped) and the resultant normalized JSON is then encoded as UTF8 bytes and hashed with MD5.

It can be configured to use a different normalization function and hash algorithm.