Lightweight JavaScript router with a rails-like interface.
- MicroEvent (tested on 1.x). Just very simple and small event emitter.
- CommonJS AMD loader. Why? Because everyone must use module approach! Its enough archaisms.
bower install dez-router
or specifydez-router
dependency in your bower.json.- Or you can use it without bower, of course: download the library file, place it in your "libs/" folder.
- Create alias to
lib in your AMD-loader configuration. See example below.
paths: {
'dez-router': 'bower_components/dez-router/lib'
require(['dez-router/router', 'dez-router/route-helper'], function(Router, RouteHelper) {
var router = new Router();
// define routes
.defaultRoute({module: 'controls/tweets-list', as: 'home_path'})
.when('tweets', {module: 'controls/tweets-list', as: 'tweets_path'})
.when('tweets/:id', {module: 'controls/tweet-details', as: 'tweet_path'})
.when('tweets/:id/reply', {module: 'reply-to-tweet', as: 'reply_path'})
.when('tweets/new', {module: 'compose-tweet', as: 'new_tweet_path'})
.when('tweets/new', function(){}})
// WHEN route is matched, THEN do this work
.then(function(params) {
require([params.module], function(Controller) {
new Controller();
// WHEN route is not matched
.whenNotFound(function(params) {
console.log('Sorry, page not found');
var routeHelper = new RouteHelper(router);
routeHelper.routeTo('tweet_path', {id: 5}); // "tweets/5"
routeHelper.goTo('reply_path', {id: 7}); // Goes to path. window.location.hash === "tweets/7/reply"
- Clean up the code.
- Test it for complex routes, url encoded data, etc.
- Test performance and improve it, if needed.
- README (more examples), show microevent configuring
- unbind route
- unbind by regex
- optional params
- Wildcard in route definition
- Callback for route
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt
It will install grunt (npm install
) and module dependencies (bower install
). grunt
will execute jshint
and jasmine
Released under the MIT License