
Very simple JavaScript router with beautiful interface

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dez Router

Lightweight JavaScript router with a rails-like interface.


  1. MicroEvent (tested on 1.x). Just very simple and small event emitter.
  2. CommonJS AMD loader. Why? Because everyone must use module approach! Its enough archaisms.


  1. bower install dez-router or specify dez-router dependency in your bower.json.
  2. Or you can use it without bower, of course: download the library file, place it in your "libs/" folder.
  3. Create alias to dez-router lib in your AMD-loader configuration. See example below.


  paths: {
    'dez-router': 'bower_components/dez-router/lib'

require(['dez-router/router', 'dez-router/route-helper'], function(Router, RouteHelper) {

  var router = new Router();

  // define routes
    .defaultRoute({module: 'controls/tweets-list', as: 'home_path'})
    .when('tweets', {module: 'controls/tweets-list', as: 'tweets_path'})
    .when('tweets/:id', {module: 'controls/tweet-details', as: 'tweet_path'})
    .when('tweets/:id/reply', {module: 'reply-to-tweet', as: 'reply_path'})
    .when('tweets/new', {module: 'compose-tweet', as: 'new_tweet_path'})
    .when('tweets/new', function(){}})
    // WHEN route is matched, THEN do this work
    .then(function(params) {
      require([params.module], function(Controller) {
        new Controller();
    // WHEN route is not matched
    .whenNotFound(function(params) {
      console.log('Sorry, page not found');

  var routeHelper = new RouteHelper(router);
  routeHelper.routeTo('tweet_path', {id: 5}); // "tweets/5"
  routeHelper.goTo('reply_path', {id: 7}); // Goes to path. window.location.hash === "tweets/7/reply"



  • Clean up the code.
  • Test it for complex routes, url encoded data, etc.
  • Test performance and improve it, if needed.
  • README (more examples), show microevent configuring
  • unbind route
  • unbind by regex
  • optional params
  • Wildcard in route definition
  • Callback for route


$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt

It will install grunt (npm install) and module dependencies (bower install). grunt will execute jshint and jasmine tasks.


Released under the MIT License