Manage your family emergency fund based on data-driven decisions.
- Python 3.11 or higher
- SQLite 3
Docker is not supported.
Install libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create environment configuration file:
cp .env.example .env
Default values are good to go. You can change them if needed.
Create DB tables:
sqlite3 ./data/emergency_fund.db < ./db/schema.sql
Insert seed data:
sqlite3 ./data/emergency_fund.db <<EOF
.mode csv
.import ./db/institutions.seed.csv institutions
.import ./db/savings_accounts.seed.csv savings_accounts
.import ./db/savings_accounts_apy_history.seed.csv savings_accounts_apy_history
.import ./db/risk_free_rate.seed.csv risk_free_rate_history
At this point we have all data in DB we need so we can start using the application.
Sharpe Ratio - a measure for calculating risk-adjusted return.
Sharpe Ratio respects low volatility and high return. The higher the Sharpe Ratio, the better the investment's return relative to the risk.
Use Jupyter Notebook to calculate. Open and run: src/sharpe_ratio.ipynb
Open and run: src/eda.ipynb
Open and run: sharpe_ratio/src/generate_apy_history.ipynb
Insert newly generated APY history data to DB:
sqlite3 ./data/emergency_fund.db <<EOF
.mode csv
.import ./db/savings_accounts_apy_history.seed.csv savings_accounts_apy_history
rm ./data/emergency_fund.db
This project is licensed under the MIT License.