- MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel)
- LiveData
- DataBinding
- Retrofit
- Room Database
- Navigation Component(NavGraph, BottomNav)
- ViewPager2 in TabLayout
- SearchView, Vertical Adapter(BestSellers) and Horizontal Adapter(All Books) with ConcatAdapter for Main Screen
- Firebase Auth (Source)
- SearchView in Adapter (Source)
- Picasso (Source)
- Lottie (Source)
- Animated Svg for Splash (Source)
Login Screen
TabLayout and ViewPager2 used for Login and Sign up screens. Login and Sign up operations are provided with Firebase Authorization
Main Screen
- Books listed using RecyclerView + DataBinding.
- For the main screen, I utilized the searchView, horizontal adapter and vertical adapter in a single recyclerView by combining the ConcatAdapter structure.
- Book search feature works with author, book name and publisher name. Search can be made with the SearchView in the RecyclerView.
- When the book image is pressed, the BottomShhet opens and details are displayed. The book is sent to the basket with the Add to Basket button.
- The "+" button in the CardView is used to add book to basket. (Note: Images are added with url.)
Basket Screen
Books are added to basket with Room Database, printed with RecyclerView. It is deleted from the Room Database again with the Delete button.
Payment Screen
When one of the 4 payment methods is selected, the relevant information is uploaded to the card below. It can be edited with the edit address button. With the Order Now button, an alert appears and the order is placed.
Profile Screen
User information is retrieved with Firebase Auth. Log out the account by clicking the Sign Out button.