- 10
Firmware upgrade PA bias is 0, TX not possible
#1886 opened by Hamuser - 0
FreeDV is dead as of higher version 2.11.39
#1952 opened by SP3OSJ - 4
Firmware 2.12.2 for mcHF 0.5 with ESP8266 module
#1951 opened by Dirk275 - 0
Feature request: Mute button
#1949 opened by danielebruneo - 2
Generating binary BIN file size issues
#1946 opened by www97221 - 1
RED Frequency digits
#1927 opened by WD8BXS - 4
Fix the CMP output levels
#1926 opened by sp9wpn - 2
problem stm32F429 in mode DFU.
#1925 opened by AngelSerra - 0
MCHF Audio IQ voltage?
#1924 opened by HB9HJN - 7
Question on power calculation (dBm)
#1923 opened by mweyland - 2
Memory Beacon CW mode
#1917 opened by ok1if - 1
CW Straight Key operation
#1920 opened by WD8BXS - 6
- 1
mcHF V0.7
#1919 opened by Beechnut01 - 5
Band switch only change 48khz (sometimes)
#1918 opened by DD8BA - 2
- 0
CTCSS Sub Audio Tone not working
#1913 opened by MSPHannover - 7
- 2
CW Keyer operation - Enhancement
#1908 opened by superDIYer - 0
Option to disable touchscreen
#1906 opened by elroyski - 12
mcHF - not moving scale of Band-Map in WinTest (contestprogram) - CAT issues ?
#1891 opened by dl2kuh - 2
mcHF Band Edges according to the IARU region and country
#1904 opened by FK8IH - 6
UiDriver_StartUpScreenInit() passed argument but function does not seem to take an argument
#1871 opened by rogerclarkmelbourne - 0
Dimming Settings not saved
#1880 opened by AvidFlyr - 1
- 1
- 8
Band Definitions are not saved
#1859 opened - 23
Can't interface with WSJT-X 2.2.1
#1865 opened by ofadam - 15
HY28B parallel mode - UI board 0.6.3
#1873 opened by Radek-2 - 1
GCC 10 at least with Eclipse MCU does not link firmware
#1895 opened by db4ple - 2
mcHF V0.7
#1892 opened by Beechnut01 - 8
Update 2.11.93, 2.11.94 does not work with 512kb cpu
#1887 opened by g7jiq - 3
CW LED settings not saved
#1881 opened by WD8BXS - 1
- 16
Radio always enters INPUT TEST SCREEN
#1870 opened by rogerclarkmelbourne - 4
mic gain issue
#1866 opened by bybra73 - 8
- 0
idea add to the menu the quindar tones..
#1868 opened by AngelSerra - 2
Lpf coils inaccurate value
#1864 opened by Pd9rb - 17
RTTY character encoding / decoding
#1858 opened by SP5QAD - 17
Digital mode in software v.2.11.81
#1852 opened by SP5QAD - 3
- 1
menu_handbook build files need update to python3
#1843 opened by df8oe - 17
mcHF crash when selecting 6m band
#1849 opened by mm0gyx - 3
CW filter mis-match
#1839 opened by WD8BXS - 12
Menu item missing
#1845 opened by WD8BXS - 3
CW iambic keyer issues
#1841 opened by co6egm - 2
What tools for mcHF?
#1840 opened by Pluscrafter - 7
update for Wiki
#1838 opened by csylvain - 5
About Operating Manual on Wiki
#1837 opened by satoryboy