
Autograph R functions for tensorflow

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


🚧 Under Construction 🚧

This package implements autograph for R. It can be used to translate R control flow statements like if into tensorflow graphs.

Implemented so far:

  • if
  • while
  • for with tensors
  • for with tf datasets
  • next and break in while
  • next and break in for with tensors
  • next and break in for with tf datasets
  • stopifnot (python assert); translates to tf.Assert()
  • switch (autograph to tf.switch_case)
  • full compatbility with both eager and graph mode
  • full compatability with both tf versions 1.14 and 2.0

Additional remaining tasks:

  • autograph inline expressions also, in addition to functions
  • nice informative error messages warning about undefined symbols and unbalanced branches
  • a way to pass through additional options to tf.while_loop
  • an escape hatch to prevent a specific statement from being autographed
  • a verbose/debug mode that logs what autograph is doing
  • R function documentation
  • vignette / README
  • submit to CRAN

Planned for CRAN release #2

  • early return in while and for
  • autograph if ... else if ... else if chains into tf.case
  • recursive support

Quick Demo

Here is a full mnist training loop implemented in R using tfautograph. (adapted from here)

library(purrr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)



# All of tfautograph works in tf 1.14 also, but this readme expects 2.0.
#> [1] "2.0.0-beta1"
stopifnot(tf_version() >= "2")

Download data

prepare_mnist_features_and_labels <- function(x, y) {
  x = tf$cast(x, tf$float32) / 255
  y = tf$cast(y, tf$int64)
  list(x, y)

mnist_dataset <- function() {
  c(c(x, y), .) %<-% tf$keras$datasets$mnist$load_data()
  tensor_slices_dataset(list(x, y)) %>%
    dataset_map(prepare_mnist_features_and_labels) %>%
    dataset_take(20000) %>%
    dataset_shuffle(20000) %>%

train_dataset <- mnist_dataset()

Define the model

new_model_and_optimizer <- function() {
  model <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
    layer_reshape(target_shape = c(28 * 28),
                  input_shape = shape(28, 28)) %>%
    layer_dense(100, activation = 'relu') %>%
    layer_dense(100, activation = 'relu') %>%
  optimizer <- tf$keras$optimizers$Adam()
  list(model, optimizer)
c(model, optimizer) %<-% new_model_and_optimizer()

Define the training loop

compute_loss <- tf$keras$losses$SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits = TRUE)
compute_accuracy <- tf$keras$metrics$SparseCategoricalAccuracy()

train_one_step <- function(model, optimizer, x, y) {
  with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, {
    logits <- model(x)
    loss <- compute_loss(y, logits)

  grads <- tape$gradient(loss, model$trainable_variables)
    transpose(list(grads, model$trainable_variables)))

  compute_accuracy(y, logits)

train <- autograph(function(model, optimizer) {
  train_ds <- mnist_dataset()
  step <- 0L
  loss <- 0
  ag_loop_vars("step", "loss") # to prevent `log_file` from being captured
  for (batch in train_ds) {
    c(x, y) %<-% batch
    step %<>% add(1L)
    loss <- train_one_step(model, optimizer, x, y)
    if (compute_accuracy$result() > 0.8) {
      tf$print( 'Step', step, ': loss', loss, '; accuracy', compute_accuracy$result(),
        output_stream = log_file)
      # We direct all tf$print() outputs to a log file only so that Rmarkdown can
      # show output that would otherwise just go to stdout
      tf$print("Breaking early", output_stream = log_file)
    } else if (step %% 10L == 0L)
      tf$print('Step', step, ': loss', loss,
               '; accuracy', compute_accuracy$result(), 
               output_stream = log_file)
  list(step, loss)

train in graph mode

log_file <- sprintf("file://%s", tempfile("TF-print-log", fileext = ".out"))

train_graph <- tf_function(train)
c(step, loss) %<-% train_graph(model, optimizer)

cat(readLines(log_file), sep = "\n")
#> Step 10 : loss 1.88018465 ; accuracy 0.325
#> Step 20 : loss 1.32252872 ; accuracy 0.478
#> Step 30 : loss 0.711557567 ; accuracy 0.574
#> Step 40 : loss 0.561042607 ; accuracy 0.6345
#> Step 50 : loss 0.542643249 ; accuracy 0.68
#> Step 60 : loss 0.514114738 ; accuracy 0.7125
#> Step 70 : loss 0.561607718 ; accuracy 0.734428585
#> Step 80 : loss 0.483150125 ; accuracy 0.754625
#> Step 90 : loss 0.251316458 ; accuracy 0.770666659
#> Step 100 : loss 0.335043371 ; accuracy 0.7849
#> Step 110 : loss 0.266543299 ; accuracy 0.795272708
#> Step 116 : loss 0.278457731 ; accuracy 0.800603449
#> Breaking early
  'Final step %i: loss %.6f; accuracy %.6f',
  as.array(step), as.array(loss), as.array(compute_accuracy$result())))
#> Final step 116: loss 0.278458; accuracy 0.800603

train in eager mode

# autograph also works in eager mode

log_file <- sprintf("file://%s", tempfile("TF-print-log", fileext = ".out"))

c(model, optimizer) %<-% new_model_and_optimizer()
c(step, loss) %<-% train(model, optimizer)

cat(readLines(log_file), sep = "\n")
#> Step 10 : loss 1.8785491 ; accuracy 0.770952404
#> Step 20 : loss 1.1685828 ; accuracy 0.763308823
#> Step 30 : loss 0.719277322 ; accuracy 0.762465775
#> Step 40 : loss 0.594832361 ; accuracy 0.76679486
#> Step 50 : loss 0.383325577 ; accuracy 0.772590339
#> Step 60 : loss 0.521231592 ; accuracy 0.778636336
#> Step 70 : loss 0.449629933 ; accuracy 0.784516156
#> Step 80 : loss 0.258993387 ; accuracy 0.789540827
#> Step 90 : loss 0.529866576 ; accuracy 0.793932
#> Step 100 : loss 0.335116088 ; accuracy 0.798472226
#> Step 104 : loss 0.255132794 ; accuracy 0.800454557
#> Breaking early
  'Final step %i: loss %.6f; accuracy %.6f',
  as.array(step), as.array(loss), as.array(compute_accuracy$result())))
#> Final step 104: loss 0.255133; accuracy 0.800455


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")