
Alexa's skill project built using the code first approach, the idea is had a skill to buy product in an ecommerce using the Shopify admin API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project #1 - Shopping Voice Service


Lorna Flerida Espinosa Cuello / 20145845
Dante Faña Badia / 20156079

Document Purpose

This document has as purpose to define in big scale all project decision and components, also have the documentation of the project.


  • Professor and monitors: to evaluate and get feedbacks from them.
  • Peers students: to share knowledge and ideas.

Solution Overview

This Project consists of a voice command assistant that will allow you to make online purchases in an online store site based on Shopify.

The Alexa-based device should be a channel for requests to add products to the shopping cart.

Uses cases

Must have
  • Add product to shopping cart
  • Check product price
  • Check product availability
  • Simulate online purchase checkout

Deliverable 1


  • Define the technology stack 
  • Define the solution overview 
  • Document the reason of the technology selection



Flow/Voice UI

Technology Stack

Here is technology stack benchmark and selection.

Decision Alts Pros Cons
Programming language: node
  • Java
  • C#
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Developer knowledge
  • Native support
  • Simplicity
  • Modern code approach
  • n/a
REST Admin Shopify API
  • GraphQL API
  • Storefront API
  • Simplicity
  • Big community
  • It has some use quote but for this POC the number of user will be low
  • Serverless
  • SAM
  • AWS Community
  • CloudFormation compatible
  • Official AWS Support
  • Has VS Code integration, so we can use code first approach to create our skill
  • Is only possible to use for Alexa skill, not is a standard tool

Deliverable 2


  • Create a basic skill 
  • Documented the skill creation


For the skill creation we're using the Alexa ASK CLI, this tool allows us to create the skill using code first approach, this mean that we don't need to get out of our editor/IDE to build the skill. 

For test purpose, we only code a simple skill that make Alexa say "hello world".


Before start the creation of this skill, you must have the tools installed and tasks completed following.


  • AWS Account
  • Amazon Developer Account


  • VS Code
  • Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) Toolkit

Skill Creation Documentations

1 - Open Alexa Skill Kit

Here we open ours skill kit tool that allow us to create, setup, deploy and development.

Open Alexa Skill Kit

2 - Skill Creation Setup

Here we set up the skill: technology, template and folder.

Skill Creation Setup

3 - Creating Skill

Here we're waiting to ours CLI create all resources in AWS.

Creating Skill

4 - Change Invocation World

Firs for creating ours skill, we need to change ours invocation world.

Change Invocation World

5 - Deploy Setup

Here we check ours skill before the deployment.

Deploy Setup

6 - Deploying

Here we're waiting to ours CLI update all resources in AWS and ours skill code.


7 - Testing Invocation World

Using the skill kit to test ours invocation world to open ours skill.

Testing Invocation World

8 - Testing Hello World Intent

Then we test ours skill, basic intent.

Testing Hello World Intent

Deliverable 3


  • Integrate Alexa with Shopify API
  • Documented Shopify integration


For this integration, we use Shopify Admin API and a rest client to request all the needed endpoint.


Before to start the integration, you must have set up a Shopify dev account.


  • AWS Account
  • Amazon Developer Account
  • Shopify Dev Account


  • VS Code
  • Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) Toolkit
  • Shopify Account

Skill Creation Documentations

1 - Create dev store

Go to https://shopify.dev/ and sign in with your developer account and create a new store, this going to allow you to work with Shopify without any cost.

Create store Create store

2 - Setup admin API

Go to you store and sign in with you dev account and go home/apps and create a private app, this going to enable the Admin API.

Create private app Create private app

3 - Test endpoints

Now copy you API Key and your secret key and let's test the API with CURL.

All Products
  --request GET 'https://{store-name}.myshopify.com/admin/api/2021-07/products.json?limit=5&fields=id,images, title,variants,tags&since_id='
  --header 'Authorization: Basic base64(username:password)'
Create an Order
    --request POST 'https://{store-name}.myshopify.com/admin/api/2021-07/orders.json' 
    --header 'Authorization: Basic base64(username:password)'
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
    "order": {
        "line_items": [
                "variant_id": ${id_product},
                "quantity": 1
        "customer": {
            "email": "${email}"

4 - Integrate with Alexa Skill

With all the integrations setup and the API testing process to create the Alexa Integrations.

Services encapsulation logic with Axios and Rest API
class ShopifyServices{

    constructor(config = shopifyConfig){
        const token = Buffer.from(`${config.username}:${config.password}`).toString('base64');
        this.#client = axios.create({
            baseURL: config.baseUrl,
            headers: {
                'Authorization': `Basic ${token}`,
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'

    async getRecommendedProduct({ sinceId = '', limit = 1, fields = 'id,images,title,variants,tags'}){
        try {
            return (await this.#client.get(`/products.json?limit=${limit}&fields=${fields}&since_id=${sinceId}`)).data.products[0];
        } catch(e) {
            throw e;

    async placerOrder(order){
        try {
            const data = JSON.stringify({
                order: {
                    line_items: order.items.map((el) => {
                        return {
                            variant_id: el.variantId,
                            quantity: el.quantity
                    customer: {
                        email: order.email
            return (await this.#client.post('/orders.json', data)).data.order;
        } catch(e) {
            throw e;
Alexa Call with Shopify Services

We can use the services that we create to call without problem to Shopify API (line 9).

const ShowProductsIntentHandler = {
    canHandle(handlerInput) {
        return Alexa.getRequestType(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'IntentRequest'
            && Alexa.getIntentName(handlerInput.requestEnvelope) === 'ShowProductsIntent';

    async handle(handlerInput) {
        const {attributesManager} = handlerInput;
        const attributes = handlerInput.attributesManager.getPersistentAttributes()
        const currentProduct = attributes.currentProduct || undefined;

        const product = await Shopify.getRecommendedProduct({ sinceId: currentProduct ? currentProduct.id : undefined });
        const speakOutput = `This is our recommended product:  ${product.title}`;

        attributes.currentProduct = product;


        return handlerInput.responseBuilder
                name: 'AddProductIntent',
                confirmationStatus: 'NONE',
                slots: {}

Deliverable 4


  • Demo of the Alexa Skill Working


For this deliverable we present the demo of the skill working.

Demo 1 Demo 2