Traefik on minikube

1. install traefik as daemonset

kubectl apply -f

2. whoami demo

create whoami deploments and expose as service

kubectl run whoami --image=emilevauge/whoami --port=80 --replicas=5
kubectl expose deployment whoami --type=NodePort


kubectl run whoami --image=emilevauge/whoami --port=80 --replicas=5 --expose 

create ingress for whoami

kubectl create -f whoami.ingress.yaml

Add dns records to /etc/hosts

echo "$(minikube ip) traefik-ui.minikube" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
echo "$(minikube ip) whoami.minikube" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

3. open http://whoami.minikube, refresh and watch Hostname

open http://whoami.minikube

install traefik as daemonset, otherwise you need to use NodePort to access traefik dashboard. see this issue