grotor is a graphical user interface for the hamlib antenna rotor control program rotctl. It provides display of the current azimuth (text and graphic), and provides buttons for controlling the antenna rotor. This software also works well with [K3NG antenna rotor controller software] (
This a beta release of grotor, so the options and configration settings are limited. Future releases will provide the ability to configure grotor/rotctl, as well as adding elevation display and control.
setup: grotor requires hamlib to be installed, and rotctld to be running on an antenna rotor controller. For example, starting up a rotctl daemon for a Yaesu G232B rotor on ttyUSB1 : rotctld -m 603 -r /dev/ttyUSB1 -s 9600
. grotor uses the "-m 2" NET interface to connect to this daemon.
to run: grotor [-v] [-s step] [-d size]
-v verbose debug logging to console screen -s azbutton_step default=45 degress, step size when creating az buttons -d azdisplay_size default = 220, height/width in pixels of the az graphic display -t azdisplay_title default = "GRotor", title of grotor window and display -r rchostport default = "", hostname and port for accessing rotctld
copy grotor program to suitable PATH directory
- python 2.7+
- pygtk 2.0
- other python libraries: subprocess, math, logging, getopt
- hamlib 2.0+ (requires rotctl)
grotor is developed and tested on Linux (Ubuntu 15.10). Modifications for other OS environments have not been done, but it should be able to work on Windows/Mac with minor modifications.
grotor is licensed under MIT License.