
Python script to load firmware using STM32 bootloader

Primary LanguagePython


Python script for the Orange Pi 2 or similar boards which will talk to the STM32 bootloader to upload and download firmware.
Original Version by: Ivan A-R <ivan@tuxotronic.org>
Forked from: https://github.com/3drobotics/stm32loader
Modified for use on Orange Pi 2. Modified to allow for arguments to set pin numbers for reset and boot0. Added easy to use shellscript to be used for flashing the microcontroller on the Hedgehog Light Educational Robotics Controller (https://pria.at/research/#andrix).

Simple usage (use this for Hedgehog): ./flash.sh somefile.bin

Usage: ./stm32loader.py [-hqVewvr] [-l length] [-p port] [-b baud] [-a addr] [-n pin] [-m pin] [file.bin]
    -h          This help
    -q          Quiet
    -V          Verbose
    -e          Erase
    -w          Write
    -v          Verify
    -r          Read
    -l length   Length of read
    -p port     Serial port (default: /dev/ttyAMA0)
    -b baud     Baud speed (default: 115200)
    -a addr     Target address
    -n pin      Pin number for reset (default: 18)
    -m pin      Pin number for boot0 (default: 23)

    ./stm32loader.py -e -w -v example/main.bin

stm32loader.py -e -w -v somefile.bin

This will pre-erase flash, write somefile.bin to the flash on the device, and then perform a verification after writing is finished.