
Stylize your prompt

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Stylize your prompt.

Prompt Description
$$\color{gray}\textasciitilde/Development/fancypantsps1~~\color{blue}master~~\color{yellow}\text{*}$$ You’re on branch master, and you have unstaged files.
$$\color{gray}\textasciitilde/Development/fancypantsps1~~\color{blue}dfed/test~~\color{red}\text{*}$$ You’re on branch dfed/test, and you have untracked files.
$$\color{gray}\textasciitilde/Development/fancypantsps1~~\color{blue}dfed/test~~\color{green}\text{↑}$$ You’re on branch dfed/test, and your branch is ahead of origin. Push!
$$\color{gray}\textasciitilde/Development/fancypantsps1~~\color{blue}5e34182$$ You’re in a detached head state at sha 5e34182.

Full git status feature breakdown

Color Symbol Description
$$\color{red}red$$ $$\color{red}\text{*}$$ There are untracked files.
$$\color{yellow}yellow$$ $$\color{yellow}\text{*}$$ There are unstaged files (no untracked).
$$\color{green}green$$ $$\color{green}\text{*}$$ There are staged files (no untracked or unstaged). Ready to commit.
$$\color{red}red$$ $$\color{red}\text{↕}$$ Branch has diverged.
$$\color{red}red$$ $$\color{red}\text{↓}$$ There are new commits on the remote branch. You should pull!
$$\color{red}red$$ $$\color{red}\text{↑}$$ There is a new commit on your branch that says "don't push", "work in progress", or some variation thereof.
$$\color{green}green$$ $$\color{green}\text{↑}$$ You have new commits on your branch. Ready to push!

Installation instructions


Run the following to install:

git clone git@github.com:dfed/FancyPantsPS1.git
cd fancypantsps1
. ./install.sh

Or add the following into your ~/.bash_profile:

 source <path_to_fancypants>/fancypants_sharedrc && source <path_to_fancypants>/fancypants_ps1_bashrc
 export GIT_GEMS_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true #set to false to speed up your prompt when in large repos


Run the following to install:

git clone git@github.com:dfed/FancyPantsPS1.git
cd fancypantsps1
. ./zsh_install.sh

Or add the following into your ~/Development/config_files/zsh/prompt.zsh:

source <path_to_fancypants>/fancypants_sharedrc && source <path_to_fancypants>/fancypants_ps1_zshprompt
export GIT_GEMS_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true #set to false to speed up your prompt when in large repos