These dcache roles allow the complete installation of a dCache service with all of its cells. They allow flexibly distributing cells over different hosts.
I also add some example playbooks using these roles, and an example inventory. Actually, I think without an example inventory it would not be very clear how to organize the services.
I’ve been using this code for managing my production and test site for multiple years. I hope it will be useful to others.
ansible-playbook -D -i inventory dcache_install.yml
# Only do DB installation tasks
ansible-playbook -D -i inventory_t3test dcache_install.yml --tags db
Only do the DB installation tasks
ansible-playbook -D -i inventory_t3test dcache_install.yml --tags db
Just update configuration files (tag: conf) and only on the test host
ansible-playbook -D -i inventory_t3test dcache_install.yml --tags conf --limit