
Hosting the testing files and instructions for the multiview branch

Multi View Samples

Hosting the testing files and instructions for the multiview branch

Code branch in git://git.blender.org/blender.git (multiview)

BMW model by Mike Pan

This branch contains the code for the "stereoscopy support in Blender" journey.

Beta Builds


Implemented Features

Render Views panel:

Switch View node:

Image node (views options):

3-D display options (User Preferences > System):

3-D preview in Image Editor

Current Status:

Known bugs:

  • (see the issues in the github tracker)
  • Missing listeners - not everything is updating when they should if you change things after rendering

Compositor elements not yet tackled:

  • Viewer Node

What do I plan to work next?

Built-in Stereo Camera: If you read the original code proposal you should remember the original idea of having a builtin stereo-camera. I didn't drop this idea, but there will be changes.

We will have a new stereo camera with all the nice properties (editable in 3D!). Then you just assign this camera twice to two views in the Render View panel. The view panel can see the special camera and give a menu where you can set left or right.

OR we will have addons for that ;) UPDATE: I'm testing an addon and I think it may work well with it. So no builtin stereo camera for now.

Current issues

  • Viewer Node showing only one view
  • Sequencer not implemented


Original proposal: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/User:Dfelinto/Stereoscopy

Mailing list discussion: http://lists.blender.org/pipermail/bf-committers/2013-March/039601.html

3d formats: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-20063310-1/how-3d-content-works-blu-ray-vs-broadcast/

Active vs Passive: http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-33199_7-57437344-221/active-3d-vs-passive-3d-whats-better/


  1. Read multiview exr
  2. See multiview in UV/image editor as mono
  3. Write multiview exr
  4. Render in multiview
  5. Compo in multiview
  6. See multiview in UV/image editor as stereo
  7. Viewport preview
  8. Sequencer
  9. ?

How to build it

Note: Blender svn OpenEXR for windows may be buggy, they used to only work if you build a debug Blender.

For tips in building Blender for your system refer to the Blender Wiki:

If you have a Blender building environment setup with arcanist, you can build with:

arc patch D43 # not updated at the moment, check the multiview branch in Blender 

I'll keep that patch updated from time to time. But you can always check the github repository with the following instructions.

Following instructions are for OSX with git Don't use them literally try to make sense of them first.

mkdir multiview
cd multiview
git clone git://git.blender.org/blender.git --single-branch -b multiview blender
cd blender
git config submodule.scons.url git://git.blender.org/scons.git
git config submodule.release/scripts/addons_contrib.url git://git.blender.org/blender-addons-contrib.git
git config submodule.release/scripts/addons.url git://git.blender.org/blender-addons.git
git config submodule.release/datafiles/locale.url git://git.blender.org/blender-translations.git
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
cd ..
ln -s ~/blender/lib lib; #HARDCODED folder to match my system
mkdir release
cd release
ccmake ../blender
make -j7 install

To update:

 cd multiview
 cd blender
 git pull --rebase
 git submodule update --recursive --remote
 cd ../release
 make -j7 install