
Easily upload and share code snippets to paste.rs via Neovim

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Trozo for Neovim

  • Trozo is a Neovim plugin that allows you to easily upload selected text or the entire file to `paste.rs` and retrieve a shareable URL. It is designed to be simple and work out of the box.


  • Upload selected text to paste.rs directly from Neovim.
  • Upload the entire file to paste.rs.
  • Automatically open the resulting URL in your default web browser.
  • Option to copy the URL to the clipboard.


  • cURL must be installed on your system.


Trozo aims to work well without configuration, but it does offer a couple of options for those who want them:


  browser = true,  -- Automatically open the URL in the default web browser
  clipboard = false, -- Copy the URL to the clipboard


Using packer.nvim

use {
  config = function()

Using lazy.nvim

return {
        config = true,
        cmd = {"TrozoUploadSelection", "TrozoUploadFile"}


Command Action
TrozoUpload Uploads the selected text to paste.rs.
TrozoUploadFile Uploads the entire file to paste.rs.

Using Which-Key.nvim

    local status_ok, which_key = pcall(require, "which-key")
    if not status_ok then

    local xmappings = {
        s = {
            "Upload V-Selection To paste.rs",
        S = {
            "Upload File To paste.rs",
    local xopts = {
        mode = "x", -- VISUAL mode
        prefix = "<leader>",
        buffer = nil, -- Global mappings. Specify a buffer number for buffer local mappings
        silent = true,
        noremap = true,
        nowait = true,

    which_key.register(xmappings, xopts)


paste.rs is heavily rate limited. You may find that some selections aren't being fully uploaded. If this is the case, wait a few minutes before trying to upload again.