
Authentication helpers for AWS Cognito in next.js

Primary LanguageTypeScript

aws-cognito-next (Deprecated)

This package is no longer maintained.

Authentication helpers to enable usage of AWS Cognito in next.js applications.

Update (2020–09–29): aws-amplify has added support for server-side rendering since this package was created. You can read the announcement for details. You might be able to use aws-amplify directly instead of the more manual approach shown in this package.

Update (2021-11-17): This package is deprecated. Although I think aws-cognito-next has its advantages, especially with the ideas in #9, the reality is that I am no longer using aws-cognito-next myself so I have no guidance on the importance of features or an actual use for it if I'd finish a feature. More viable alternatives became available since I started this package. Alternatives have more lively communities and better outlook for the future. Consider using the AWS Amplify Next.js integration or Next Auth with its Cognito Provider. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who gave this early package a chance. Feel free to DM me on Twitter if you are using this package and are up for maintaining it.

Quick links


Supports server-side rendering of pages depending on the authenticated user. It's also flexible enough to support statically rendered pages, where the client then adds authentication information once the app is hydrated. It syncs auth state across multiple tabs. Auth information is sent to the server using Cognito's cookies, so the authenticated user is available in your API functions.


While the auth cookies are sent with the secure flag enabled (only over HTTPS), the cookies can not be set to httpOnly. So it will be possible to access them from JavaScript. This is a limitation of using AWS Amplify. The default Amplify configuration has the same problem, except that the tokens are stored in localStorage then.

See MDN for more information about secure and httpOnly cookies.

This project is fairly new, so use it with caution. I'm actively welcoming additions using PRs. All core features are working, and I would consider the project ready for production. Just know that you'll be one of the first ones to take it to production.

Table of contents



yarn add aws-cognito-next

You also need to install the modular AWS Amplify packages:

yarn add @aws-amplify/auth @aws-amplify/core


This library integrates with your application in a few different places. Follow these steps to set it up properly.

Fetch public keys

Your user pool comes with RSA key pairs. The tokens will be signed with the private key. You can use the public key to verify the token signature. The public keys of your user pool are available at this url:


The aws-cognito-next package expects your public keys in the pem format. It's best to download the keys once upfront, and to then convert them to pems directly. This way the application doesn't have to fetch and convert the pems over and over again.

A script to fetch the public keys, convert them to the pem format and to save them to a file called pems.json comes with aws-cognito-next.

Execute the following command to fetch the keys, convert them and save them to pems.json:

yarn prepare-pems --region <region> --userPoolId <userPoolId>

You can rerun that command whenever you need to refresh the keys. In case a pems.json file exists already, the new pems will be added to the file. You can have the pems for multiple user pools in the same file. It's okay to add the pems for the user pools of development, staging and production to the same pems.json file. The appropriate pems will be loaded automatically. You can commit that file to your version control system.

Setup env vars

How you set up your environment variables depends on your deployment setup.

You will need different environment variable values for local development and for production.

You need to provide the following environment variables:


One convenient way to do that can be seen here.


Create a file called _app.tsx (or _app.js if you're not using TypeScript). This custom app will configure Amplify and Auth for all pages of your application.

We need to configure Amplify to use cookieStorage. That way the auth tokens get sent to the server, which allows us to use server-side rendering. This can be done by configuring cookieStorage as shown below.

import React from "react";
import { AppProps } from "next/app";
import Amplify from "@aws-amplify/core";
import Auth from "@aws-amplify/auth";

  Auth: {
    region: process.env.USER_POOL_REGION,
    userPoolId: process.env.USER_POOL_ID,
    userPoolWebClientId: process.env.USER_POOL_CLIENT_ID,

    // Configuration for cookie storage
    // see https://aws-amplify.github.io/docs/js/authentication
    cookieStorage: {
      // REQUIRED - Cookie domain
      // This should be the subdomain in production as
      // the cookie should only be present for the current site
      domain: process.env.AUTH_COOKIE_DOMAIN,
      // OPTIONAL - Cookie path
      path: "/",
      // OPTIONAL - Cookie expiration in days
      expires: 7,
      // OPTIONAL - Cookie secure flag
      // Either true or false, indicating whether the cookie
      // transmission requires a secure protocol (https).
      // The cookie should be set to secure in production.
      secure: false,

  oauth: {
    domain: process.env.IDP_DOMAIN,
    scope: ["email", "openid"],
    // Where users get sent after logging in.
    // This has to be set to be the full URL of the /token page.
    redirectSignIn: process.env.REDIRECT_SIGN_IN,
    // Where users are sent after they sign out.
    redirectSignOut: process.env.REDIRECT_SIGN_OUT,
    responseType: "token",

function App({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return <Component {...pageProps} />;

export default App;


The application needs to know about your AWS Cognito User Pool's public pems, which you created earlier by executing yarn perpare-pems in the first step of the setup.

It would be inconvenient to pass the pem files to aws-cognito-next's functions over and over again. Instead you'll use factory functions to create your auth functions.

Create a file called auth.tsx and fill it with the following content:

import { createGetServerSideAuth, createUseAuth } from "aws-cognito-next";
import pems from "./pems.json";

// create functions by passing pems
export const getServerSideAuth = createGetServerSideAuth({ pems });
export const useAuth = createUseAuth({ pems });

// reexport functions from aws-cognito-next
export * from "aws-cognito-next";

In your application, you can now import everything related to auth from auth.tsx, as you'll see in the next step.

It's recommended to not import from aws-cognito-next. auth.tsx will be a superset of aws-cognito-next. This means useAuth and getServerSideAuth is only exported from auth.tsx, but not from aws-cognito-next. Since you don't want to end up with different imports for the same things, it's better to stick to auth.tsx.


Once users are signed in, they will be redirected to /token as you've configured using redirectSignIn in the _app.tsx component earlier. The page rendered at /token then needs to receive the token from the hash and sign in. It also needs to tell inform other tabs that the user is now signed in. These things are handled by Amplify and useAuthRedirect respectively.

Create a file called pages/token.tsx and fill it with this content:

import React from "react";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";

// Here we import useAuthRedirect from auth.tsx, instead
// of from aws-cognito-next.
// We created that file in the previous step.
import { useAuthRedirect } from "../auth.tsx";

// When a user comes back from authenticating, the url looks
// like this: /token#id_token=....
// At this point, there will be no cookies yet.
// If we would render any page on the server now,
// it would seem as-if the user is not authenticated yet.
// We therefore wait until Amplify has set its cookies.
// It does this automatically because the id_token hash
// is present. Then we redirect the user back to the main page.
// That page can now use SSR as the user will have
// the necessary cookies ready.
export default function Token() {
  const router = useRouter();

  useAuthRedirect(() => {

  return <p>loading..</p>;

Adding login and logout buttons

The login and logout functions can be used to prompt the user to sign in or out. They will sync the login state across multiple tabs.

import React from "react";
import { GetServerSideProps } from "next";
import {
} from "../auth";

const Home = (props: { initialAuth: AuthTokens }) => {
  const auth = useAuth(props.initialAuth);
  const { login, logout } = useAuthFunctions();

  return (
      {auth ? (
        <button type="button" onClick={() => logout()}>
          sign out
      ) : (
          <button type="button" onClick={() => login()}>
            sign in

export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps<{
  initialAuth: AuthTokens;
}> = async (context) => {
  const initialAuth = getServerSideAuth(context.req);

  return { props: { initialAuth } };

export default Home;



The auth can be used in two different ways. Either you want to prepare the user information on the server and leverage server-side rendering, or you want your server to render a pre-authentication-state (like a page with placeholders), and then have the client deal with authentication.

For server-side rendering

For a server-rendered page, you first need to fetch the user information.

import { GetServerSideProps } from "next";
import { useAuth, AuthTokens, getServerSideAuth } from "../_auth";

export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps<{
  initialAuth: AuthTokens;
}> = async (context) => {
  // getServerSideAuth will parse the cookie
  const initialAuth = getServerSideAuth(context.req);
  return { props: { initialAuth } };

We can then reuse the server-side authentication to render the initial page, by passing props.initialAuth to useAuth. That way the server and the client's initial render will always match.

export default function Home(props: { initialAuth: AuthTokens }) {
  const auth = useAuth(props.initialAuth);

  return (
      {auth ? (
        <p>Welcome {auth.idTokenData["cognito:username"]}</p>
      ) : (
        <p>Welcome anonymous</p>

For client-side rendering only

When you want to skip the auth check on the server, you can use client-side rendering. By calling useAuth(null) the page will render as-if no user is authenticated for the first render.

export default function Home(props) {
  const auth = useAuth(null);

  return (
      {auth ? (
        <p>Welcome {auth.idTokenData["cognito:username"]}</p>
      ) : (
        <p>Welcome anonymous</p>

After the first render, useAuth will check whether a user is authenticated on the client and rerender the page if so.


import { useAuth, useAuthFunctions } from "./_auth";

export default function SomePage() {
  const auth = useAuth(null);
  const { login, logout } = useAuthFunctions();

  return auth ? (
      onClick={() => {
      Sign out
  ) : (
      onClick={() => {
      sign in


When Coginto authenticated the user, the user will be redirected to /token#<hash>. The hash of the URL will contain the user's access and id tokens. Amplify will read the hash and set the cookies accordingly. Once the cookies are set, even pages depending on the authenticated user can be rendered on the server.

Call the useAuthRedirect hook and pass a function as a callback. That function will be called with an idToken as soon as the cookies are ready, or with null when no id_token was contained in the hash.

import React from "react";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { useAuthRedirect } from "./_auth";

// When a user comes back from authenticating, the url looks like this:
//   /autosignin#id_token=....
// At this point, there will be no cookies yet. If we would render any page on
// the server now, it would seem as-if the user is not authenticated yet.
// We therefore wait until Amplify has set its cookies. It does this
// automatically because the id_token hash is present. Then we redirect the
// user back to the main page. That page can now use SSR as the user will have
// the necessary cookies ready.
export default function Token() {
  const router = useRouter();

  useAuthRedirect(() => {

  // You can render your own loading spinner here
  return <p>loading..</p>;