
Implementation of zero-knowledge proof circuits for Blobstream, Celestia's data availability solution for Ethereum.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Blobstream X

Blobstream X

Implementation of zero-knowledge proof circuits for Blobstream, Celestia's data availability solution for Ethereum.


Blobstream X's core contract is BlobstreamX, which stores commitments to ranges of data roots from Celestia blocks. Users can query for the validity of a data root of a specific block height via verifyAttestation, which proves that the data root is a leaf in the Merkle tree for the block range the specific block height is in.

Request BlobstreamX Proofs

Request Proofs from the Succinct Platform

Add env variables to .env, following the .env.example. You do not need to fill out the local configuration, unless you're planning on doing local proving.

Run BlobstreamX script to request updates to the specified light client continuously. For the cadence of requesting updates, update LOOP_DELAY_MINUTES.

In /, run

cargo run --bin blobstreamx --release

BlobstreamX Contract Overview

Contract Deployment

To deploy the BlobstreamX contract:

  1. Get the genesis parameters for a BlobstreamX contract from a specific Celestia block.

    cargo run --bin genesis -- --block <genesis_block>
  2. Add .env variables to contracts/.env, following contracts/.env.example.

  3. Initialize BlobstreamX contract with genesis parameters. In contracts, run

    forge install
    source .env
    forge script script/Deploy.s.sol --rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast --verify --verifier etherscan --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

Succinct Gateway Prover Whitelist

Set Whitelist Status

Set the whitelist status of a functionID to Default (0), Custom (1) or Disabled (2).

cast calldata "setWhitelistStatus(bytes32,uint8)" <YOUR_FUNCTION_ID> <WHITELIST_STATUS>

Add Custom Prover

Add a custom prover for a specific functionID.

cast calldata "addCustomProver(bytes32,address)" <FUNCTION_ID> <CUSTOM_PROVER_ADDRESS>