Infrastructure for SAP Data Intelligence 3.1 with air gap.
SAP Data Intelligence 3.1 on Rancher Kubernetes Engine 2
#Rancher #RKE2 #Longhorn #SLES15SP3 #Salt #MinIO
- Virtual or Hardware server
- SUSE SLES trial key
- Local DNS Server for test:
- Local NTP Server
- SSD for Longhorn on Worker Nodes
- Server with docker and connect to Internet to download images.
1x Jump Host
4 vCPU
16 GiB RAM
1 x HDD - > 150 GB (+300 for registry)
1x dedicate server for Rancher
4 vCPU
16 GiB RAM
1 x HDD - > 100 GB
3x RKE2 Master Node - role: ETCD, Controls Plane
4 vCPU
16 GiB RAM
1 x HDD - > 120 GB
4x RKE2 Worker Node - role: Workers
16 vCPU
64 GiB RAM
1 x HDD - > 120 GB
- RKE2 v1.22.7+rke2r2
- Rancher v2.6.4
- SLES 15 SP3
- Longhorn v1.2
- MinIO v3.6.6
- Helm v3.8.2
- kubectl latest
All server connect to LAN network (isolated from Internet).
From a system that has access to the internet, fetch the latest Helm chart, images and utilities and copy the resulting manifests to a system that has access to the Rancher server cluster.
For install server from JeOS image you can use a this script.
- Download & install CLI interface helm
curl | bash
- Find the required assets for your Rancher version
Go to our releases page, find the Rancher v2.x.x release that you want to install, and click Assets. Note: Don’t use releases marked rc or Pre-release, as they are not stable for production environments.
From the release’s Assets section, download the following files, which are required to install Rancher in an air gap environment:
- rancher-images.txt This file contains a list of images needed to install Rancher, provision clusters and user Rancher tools.
- This script pulls all the images in the rancher-images.txt from Docker Hub and saves all of the images as rancher-images.tar.gz
- This script loads images from the rancher-images.tar.gz file and pushes them to your private registry.
Collect the cert-manager image In a Kubernetes Install, if you select to use the Rancher default self-signed TLS certificates, you must add the cert-manager image to rancher-images.txt as well.
Fetch the latest cert-manager Helm chart and parse the template for image details:
helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update
helm fetch jetstack/cert-manager --version v1.7.1
helm template ./cert-manager-v1.7.1.tgz | awk '$1 ~ /image:/ {print $2}' | sed s/\"//g >> ./rancher-images.txt
- Sort and unique the images list to remove any overlap between the sources:
sort -u rancher-images.txt -o rancher-images.txt
- Collect the RKE2 images
Go to our releases page, find the RKE2 release that you want to install, and click Assets. From the release’s Assets section, download the following files, which are required to install RKE2 in an air gap environment:
- Add RKE2 images to rancher-images.txt:
cat rke2-images-all.linux-amd64.txt >> ./rancher-images.txt
- Sort and unique the images list to remove any overlap between the sources:
sort -u rancher-images.txt -o rancher-images.txt
- Collect the MinIO images
helm repo add minio
helm repo update
helm fetch minio/minio --version v3.6.6
helm template ./minio-3.6.6.tgz | awk '$1 ~ /image:/ {print $2}' | sed s/\"//g >> ./rancher-images.txt
- Sort and unique the images list to remove any overlap between the sources:
sort -u rancher-images.txt -o rancher-images.txt
- Save the images to your workstation
- Make an executable:
chmod +x
- Run with the rancher-images.txt image list to create a tarball of all the required images:
./ --image-list ./rancher-images.txt
Result: Docker begins pulling the images used for an air gap install. Be patient. This process takes a few minutes. When the process completes, your current directory will output a tarball named rancher-images.tar.gz. Check that the output is in the directory.
- Add the Rancher Helm Chart Repository
helm repo add rancher-stable
helm fetch rancher-stable/rancher --version=v2.6.4
- Render the cert-manager template
helm template cert-manager ./cert-manager-v1.7.1.tgz --output-dir . \
--namespace cert-manager \
--set image.repository=${registry_url}/ \
--set webhook.image.repository=${registry_url}/ \
--set cainjector.image.repository=${registry_url}/ \
--set startupapicheck.image.repository=${registry_url}/
- Download the cert-manager CRD
curl -L -o cert-manager/cert-manager-crd.yaml
- Render the Rancher template
Chose option 1 - for your own certificate or 2 - for self-signed certificate.
- For Your Own Certificate.
helm template rancher ./rancher-2.6.4.tgz --output-dir . \
--no-hooks \
--namespace cattle-system \
--set hostname=${rancher_fqdn} \
--set rancherImage=${registry_url}/rancher/rancher \
--set systemDefaultRegistry=${registry_url} \
--set useBundledSystemChart=true \
--set bootstrapPassword=admin \
--set ingress.tls.source=secret \
--set replicas=1 \
--set privateCA=true \
- For Self-Signed Certificate
--no-hooks \ # prevent files for Helm hooks from being generated --set systemDefaultRegistry=${registry_url} \ # Set a default private registry to be used in Rancher --set useBundledSystemChart=true # Use the packaged Rancher system charts
helm template rancher ./rancher-2.6.4.tgz --output-dir . \
--no-hooks \
--namespace cattle-system \
--set hostname=${rancher_fqdn} \
--set certmanager.version=1.7.1 \
--set rancherImage=${registry_url}/rancher/rancher \
--set systemDefaultRegistry=${registry_url} \
--set replicas=1 \
--set useBundledSystemChart=true \
You can use option --kube-version, for example --kube-version v1.20.13
- Download CLI utilities
curl -LO`curl -s`/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
unzip kubectl-minio
- Get registry images
docker pull httpd:2
docker save httpd:2 | gzip --stdout > httpd.gz
docker pull registry:2
docker save registry:2 | gzip --stdout > registry.gz
Copy to an external data store:
- rancher-images.tar.gz
- rancher-images.txt
- ./rancher
- ./cert-manager
- kubectl CLI
- kubectl-minio CLI
- rke2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
- rancher-linux-amd64-v2.6.4.tar.gz
- httpd.gz
- registry.gz
- Get a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server subscription.
- Download the installation media for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3. (Full ISO, for example)
- All system need access to update repositories (RMT) or installation media.
You can create the own RMT server using the next instruction.
- Static IP for all Nodes.
- Configured NTP time synchronization. (salt sate)
- Disabled firewall. (salt sate)
- Enabled SSHD. (salt sate)
- Disabled Kdump. (salt sate)
- Disabled swap. (salt sate)
- Existing user sles. (salt sate)
- One root partition without splitting.
- Boot in text mode.
- Installed enhanced base pattern (salt sate)
- Installed and configured Salt minion
sudo zypper in -y salt-minion
sudo echo "master: <Jump Host IP>" > /etc/salt/minion # Change <Jump Host IP> for your data.
sudo systemctl enable salt-minion --now
- Installed and configured docker (salt sate)
- Installed and configured Salt Master
sudo zypper in -y salt-master
sudo systemctl enable salt-master --now
At Jump Host, run the next command:
zypper in -y sudo
Check what the all minions in the list.
Put state file from this project to /srv/salt/
From user sles:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N "" -f /home/sles/.ssh/id_rsa # Created ssh key pair
sudo mkdir -p /srv/salt/ssh/
sudo cp /home/sles/.ssh/ /srv/salt/ssh/
sudo mkdir -p /srv/salt/main/
su - # Issue #01 need change to sudo
cat > /srv/salt/main/ntp.conf <<EOF
server iburst
Check and add all minions.
sudo salt-key -L
sudo salt-key -A -y
sudo salt-key -L
Set grains for server role.
sudo salt '<Rancher Server Minion>' grains.append roles rancher # Change <Rancher Server Minion> for your data.
sudo salt '<RKE2 Server Minions>' grains.append roles rke2 # Run for all RKE2 role servers. Change <RKE2 Server Minions> for your data.
sudo salt '<Jump Host Minion>' grains.append roles jumphost # Change <Jump Host Minion> for your data.
sudo salt '*' state.apply
Check server requirements status.
sudo salt '*' 'systemctl status firewalld' # Check status firewalld
sudo salt '*' 'systemctl status kdump' # Check status Kdump
sudo salt '*' 'cat /proc/swaps' # Check status swap
sudo salt '*' 'systemctl status sshd' # Check status SSHD
sudo salt '*' 'systemctl status chronyd' # Check status choryd
sudo salt '*' 'chronyc sources' # Check configuration chronyd
At Jump host, run commands below.
sudo zypper in -y gnutls
sudo mkdir -p /opt/certificates
cd /opt/certificates
sudo ./ --rancher_fqdn --rancher_ip --registry_fqdn --registry_ip
cd ..
Copy air gap data (images and utilities) to Jump Host from the external data store:
- httpd.gz
- registry.gz
docker load --input httpd.gz
docker load --input registry.gz
su -
mkdir -p /opt/docker-certs
mkdir -p /opt/docker-auth
mkdir -p /opt/registry
cd /opt/certificates/
cp registry.key.pem /opt/docker-certs/tls.key
openssl x509 -inform PEM -in registry.cert.pem -out /opt/docker-certs/tls.crt
docker run \
--entrypoint htpasswd \
httpd:2 -Bbn geeko P@ssw0rd > /opt/docker-auth/htpasswd
docker run -d \
--restart=always \
--name registry \
-v /opt/docker-certs:/certs:ro \
-v /opt/docker-auth:/auth:ro \
-v /opt/registry:/var/lib/registry \
-e "REGISTRY_AUTH=htpasswd" \
-e "REGISTRY_AUTH_HTPASSWD_PATH=/auth/htpasswd" \
-e "REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/tls.key" \
-p 8443:8443 \
docker run -d \
--restart=always \
--name registry-anonymous \
-v /opt/docker-certs:/certs:ro \
-v /opt/docker-auth:/auth:ro \
-v /opt/registry:/var/lib/registry:ro \
-e "REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/tls.key" \
-p 5000:5000 \
zypper in -y jq
export # Your Registry Host (Jump Host Host)
export registry_url="https://${registry_fqdn}:8443"
echo "$(jq --arg urlarg "${registry_url}" '. += {"registry-mirrors": [$urlarg]}' /etc/docker/daemon.json)" > /etc/docker/daemon.json
cd /opt/certificates
mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/${registry_url}
cp ${registry_fqdn}.cert ${registry_fqdn}.key ca.crt /etc/docker/certs.d/${registry_url}
cd ..
systemctl restart docker
Copy air gap data (images and utilities) to Jump Host from the external data store:
- rancher-images.tar.gz
- rancher-images.txt
- ./rancher
- ./cert-manager
- kubectl CLI
- kubectl-minio CLI
- rke2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
- rancher-linux-amd64-v2.6.4.tar.gz
At Jump host, run commands below.
sudo cp kubectl /usr/local/bin/
sudo cp kubectl-minio /usr/local/bin/
mkdir -p /srv/salt/rke2/
sudo cp rke2.linux-amd64.tar.gz /srv/salt/rke2
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl-minio
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl
export # Your Registry Host (Jump Host Host)
export registry_url="https://${registry_fqdn}:8443"
docker login ${registry_url} # geeko/P@ssw0rd
chmod +x
./ -l rancher-images.txt -r ${registry_fqdn}:8443
# --chunked see BUG real slow copy
sudo salt-cp -G "roles:rancher" --chunked /opt/certificates/cacert.pem /etc/pki/trust/anchors/rancher-stend.pem
sudo salt -G "roles:rancher" 'update-ca-certificates && c_rehash'
export # Your Registry Host (Jump Host Host)
export registry_uri="${registry_fqdn}:5000"
#salt '*' file.manage_file /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf '' '{}' salt://http/httpd.conf '{hash_type: 'md5', 'hsum': <md5sum>}' root root '755' base ''
# --chunked see BUG real slow copy
sudo salt-cp -G "roles:rancher" --chunked --no-compression /srv/salt/rke2/rke2.linux-amd64.tar.gz /tmp/
sudo salt -G "roles:rancher" 'tar xzf "/tmp/rke2.linux-amd64.tar.gz" -C "/usr/local"'
sudo salt -G "roles:rancher" 'mkdir -p /etc/rancher/rke2'
sudo salt -G "roles:rancher" "echo 'system-default-registry: \"'${registry_uri}'\"' > /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml"
sudo salt -G "roles:rancher" 'systemctl enable rke2-server --now'
#Since this feature allows a minion to push a file up to the master server it is disabled by default for security purposes. To enable, set file_recv to True in the master configuration file, and restart the master.
#sudo salt -G "roles:rancher" cp.push /etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml
#cp /var/cache/salt/master/minions/{minion-id}/files/rke2.yaml ./kubeconfig-rancher.yaml # Set {minion-id} to Rancher minion
#salt -G "roles:rancher" 'cat /etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml' > ./kubeconfig-rancher.yaml
scp kubeconfig-rancher.yaml
sed -i 's/' ./kubeconfig-rancher.yaml
For self-signed certificate. Skip this step for own CA
export KUBECONFIG=~/kubeconfig-rancher.yaml
kubectl create namespace cert-manager
kubectl apply -f cert-manager/cert-manager-crd.yaml
kubectl apply -R -f ./cert-manager
export KUBECONFIG=~/kubeconfig-rancher.yaml
kubectl create namespace cattle-system
kubectl -n cattle-system apply -R -f ./rancher
What about use CLI? You can create bootstrap Rancher server and create RKE using the next instruction.
Go to Rancher web interface and do next:
- Create custom cluster and obtain an installation command
- Start the installation command at node
sudo salt '' grains.append roles rke2-master
sudo salt '[123]' grains.append roles rke2-worker
sudo salt-cp -G "roles:rke2" --chunked /opt/certificates/cacert.pem /etc/pki/trust/anchors/rancher-stend.pem
sudo salt -G "roles:rke2" 'update-ca-certificates && c_rehash'
sudo salt -G "roles:rke2-master" "INSTALL CMD FOR Masters"
sudo salt -G "roles:rke2-worker" "INSTALL CMD FOR Workers"
- Install Longhorn
- Install Minio Init MinIO
kubectl minio version
kubectl minio init
- Create ingress for MinIO Console Obtain token
kubectl get secrets -n minio-operator -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations.kubernetes\.io/service-account\.name=="console-sa")].data.token}' | base64 -d; echo
- Create MiniIO tenant Login to MinIO console with token from previously step.
- create ingress for MinIO Console You needed SSL Certificate with Subject Alternative Name for FQDN. Because an installation system for SAP DI doesn't approve Self Signed standard certificate for Nginx ingress. Create an ingress. Add Annotations to the ingress. HTTPS 10G
- Check S3
If you use the registry in the Rancher (for example Harbor) you need to add annotations to ingress:
annotations: "3600" "3600" "3600"