
Primary LanguagePHP

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine . See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

PHP 7.2
RDBMS  MySQL 5.6 + 


Copy files to your PHP server

Rename config.example to config.php

 /web_sql$ mv config.example config.php

Insert your options

To seed db -> connect to the MySQL server using the mysql command-line client with the following command:

shell> mysql -u root -p

Execute the books-schema.sql script to create the database structure by using the following command:

Warning books-schema.sql - remove existing db books and create new. If u use db with name books make dump or

create another mysql user.

mysql> SOURCE path/to/projectDir/web_sql/books-schema.sql;

Execute the books-data.sql script to populate the database structure with the following command:

mysql> SOURCE path/to/projectDir/web_sql/books-data.sql.sql;
