
A haskell toolbox for the Internet Computer

Primary LanguageHaskellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

The Internet Computer Haskell Toolkit

Note: The DFINITY Foundation has stopped contributing to this repository. The community is welcome to keep contributing!

This repository contains a bunch of Internet Computer related code written to support the following use cases:

ic-ref: a IC reference implementation

The ic-ref binary is a partial implementation of the external interface of the Internet Computer, as specified in the Interface Spec.

The goals of the reference implementation are

  • It evolves in lock-step with the Interface Spec. Versioned releases of the Interface Spec should come with a complete implementation of ic-ref.

  • Supplement the prose and pseudo-code in the Interface Spec for additional and concrete clarity.

  • Ideally, relevant code pieces of ic-ref are as easy to understand as carefully written pseudo-code.

  • Increase weight of and confidence in the Interface Spec, by demonstrating implementability.

  • Aid in the development of the Interface Spec by uncovering omissions, inconsistencies or unexpected complexity.

  • Allow testing of external clients (like dfx) directly against the reference implementation.

  • Aid in the production implementation of the Internet Computer, by allowing to probe the reference implementation to better understand intended behaviour and by comparing the behaviour of the two.

  • Performance is good enough to run small examples.

  • The primary focus is describing the happy path execution, and not necessarily the precise error reporting behaviour upon bad usage (e.g. bad canisters, resource exhaustion, module validation).

Additionally, we want ic-ref to be a useful tool for Canister developers to run their canisters locally. This adds additional goals:

  • The state of ic-ref can be persisted and picked up later.

  • Debugging/logging/trace features that aid understanding the behaviour and/or help debug canisters.

Should these goals eventually conflict with the goals for a reference implementation, e.g. because they impose complexity that is not easy to contain in auxillary modules, a project split might be considered.

There are also explicit non-goals to keep in mind:

  • ic-ref does not need to support canisters that are large or very long-running.

  • No persistence across different versions of ic-ref.

  • It is explicitly not desirable to share code between reference and production implementation, to achieve the multi-version cross-checking effect. Not using Rust for ic-ref helps with that.

  • No guaranteed protection against bad effects from malicious interactions.

  • No duplication of commonly available functionality. In particular, the assumption is that the production implementation will use a mature Wasm embedder that implements Wasm validation correctly, so ic-ref does not itself implement validation.

Furthermore there are some stretch goals that would be nice to have, but not if requires compromising the main goals.

  • The reference implementation describes one possible execution, but not all possible behaviours of the Interface Spec. If this can be changed (e.g. using non-deterministic modeling of computation) without compromising readability and normal execution, then this would be nice.

  • It could serve as a starting point for applying formal verification to this part of the system, e.g. by converting the (non-plumbing) modules to Coq using hs-to-coq, or by implementing them in a theorem prover and extracting Haskell code from it.

To achieve these goals, the following design decisions are made:

  • ic-ref is implemented in Haskell, to optimize for development speed, type-checking safety, and readablity of carefully selected portions of the code.

  • As far as possible, a module either

    • corresponds closely to the spec, and is written with readability as a high priority, avoiding language features that obscure meaning. The rough goal is “executable pseudo-code”. The use of advanced langauge features or non-idiomatic code that help readability are encouraged.

      Examples: IC.Ref, IC.Canister.Imp, IC.HTTP.RequestId

    • is a plumbing module that handles some technical aspect, and pave the way for the simplicity in the previously mentioned modules. It is expected that reading such modules may require high level of familiarity with Haskell.

      Examples: IC.Wasm.Imports, IC.HTTP.CBOR.

    This is an ongoing refinement process, striving for a probably unattainable ideal as the goal.


The ic-ref program (invoked with --listen-port 8080) starts a webserver at http://localhost:8080/ that implements the Internet Computer interface, and can be used with dfx by updating your dfx configuration:

$ cat ~/.config/dfx/networks.json
  "local": {
      "bind": "",
      "type": "ephemeral",
      "replica": {
        "subnet_type": "system"

If you point your browser to http://localhost:8080/ you get the evolution of the IC state as JSON. We recommended to use Firefox, as it provides a nice UI for browsing JSON. Note that the IC state can become quite large and the browser might be slow to load it.

If the --state-file FILE argument is given, ic-ref will persist its state in this file. Note that if that file cannot be read (e.g. because it is from an incompatible version of ic-ref), starting ic-ref will fail.

Do not forget to clean up the directory .dfx/ in your development tree before starting ic-ref from a fresh state, i.e., if not providing --state-file FILE.

ic-ref-test: An acceptance test suite

As the dual to the reference implementation, the ic-ref-test program is a specification compliance acceptance test that can be run against an Internet Computer instance (e.g. ic-ref, the replica) and runs a large number of functional tests against it.


Before running ic-ref-test, make sure you have built the universal canister (using nix-shell):

$ cd universal-canister
$ nix-shell --command 'cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release'
or reset the symbolic link in `test-data/universal_canister.wasm`
to the universal canister's Wasm.

Pass `--endpoint http://localhost:8080/` to run against a specific IC instance.

With the `-p pattern` flag you can select individual tests; those whose names
contain the pattern. See https://github.com/feuerbach/tasty#patterns for
advanced use of this flag.

When passing `--rerun`, the test suite will remember which tests have failed,
and only run those that failed last tests (or all again, if none have failed
last run).

ic-ref-run: A sandboxed scripted IC

The `ic-ref-run` tool provides a simplified mock environment for testing
Canisters that does not require networking. It takes scripted input to indicate
which canisters to install, and which messages to execute.

This is used, for example, in the test suite of the Motoko compiler.

ic-request-id: Calculate the representation-independent hash

The `ic-request-id` tool takes a CBOR-request (stdin or via a file) and
calculates its request id.

ic-hs: The library

The modules of the above tools can be used for other purposes. In that sense, the whole project is one big Haskell library that can be used in quick experiments or as a libary to build other tools (e.g. a test framework for developer tools as [in the case of DFX](https://github.com/dfinity/sdk/blob/master/.github/workflows/e2e.yml)).

Continuous Integration

We use GitHub Actions to trigger builds of the jobs defined in `./default.nix`. However the builds themselves are run on the [nixbuild.net](https://nixbuild.net/) service since it provides more capacity and is more efficient than GitHub runners.

Please use the artifacts produced by GitHub Actions and [nixbuild.net](https://nixbuild.net/) at your own risk or consider building them independently from source.


NOTE: The following assumes access to a nix cache that has built the artifacts
already. There is no publicly available nix cache yet, so “fastest way” may be
a bit of an euphemism.

This is the fastest way to run `ic-ref` or `ic-ref-test` is to use the
following commands in this directory:

    nix run -f . -c ic-ref
    nix run -f . -c ic-ref-test

You can also pass arguments, e.g.

    nix run -f . -c ic-ref-test --endpoint http://localhost:8080 -p 'WebAuthn'

Developing on ic-ref

Running `nix-shell` gives you an environment that allows you to build the
project using `cabal build`. You can also run `cabal run ic-ref` etc. to run it
directly from source.

You can now run the test suite from the top-level directory with

    cabal run ic-ref-test

The `-p` flag, i.e.

    cabal run ic-ref-test -- -p upgrade

allows you can run tests selectively (i.e. only those whose name include


This repository tags versions based on the version of the [Interface Spec] they
implement, e.g. `0.18.0`. Should older major released require additional
commits (bugfixes, or additional minor releases) that cannot be created on
`master`, a `release-0.18` branch would be created.

[Interface Spec]: https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/references/ic-interface-spec

Updating Haskell Packages

When the `.cabal` file of a Haskell package is changed you need to make sure the
corresponding nix files `nix/generated/` are kept in sync with it. These are
automatically generate, run

    nix-shell nix/generate.nix

to update.

Don't worry if you forget to update the `default.nix` file, the CI job
`check-generated` checks if these files are in sync and fails with a diff if
they aren't.

## Contributing

This repository accepts external contributions, conditioned on acceptance of the [Contributor Lincense Agreement](https://github.com/dfinity/cla).