
Missing in documentation about `dfx canister install`

vporton opened this issue · 0 comments

The topic of my conversation with your AI is missing in the documentation, as it follows from the following AI transcript:

Does DFX also update .env file, when executing dfx canister install?

The knowledge sources provided do not specifically mention whether the dfx canister install command updates the .env file. However, it's known that the .env file is updated during the deployment process, which includes both the building and installing of canisters.

The dfx canister install command is part of the deployment process, but it's specifically used to install a compiled canister onto the Internet Computer network. If the canister ID changes as a result of this command, it's likely that the .env file would be updated. However, without explicit information from the provided sources, this cannot be confirmed.

For a definitive answer, you may want to refer to the official DFINITY documentation or ask in the DFINITY Developer Forum.