
A parse seed template for iOS apps with common dynamic functionality

Primary LanguageSwift


Install Instructions

### Prerequisites * CocoaPods You need to have node Cocoapods on your machine, get it here: [https://cocoapods.org](https://cocoapods.org) * Xcode You need to have Xcode installed on your machine, get it here: [https://developer.apple.com/xcode/](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/)


  • CocoaPods Once Cocoapods is installed on your computer, cd into the root directory of this project and run pod install


  • Parse Keys Parse keys are added to the Config.swift file. You will need the App Id and ClientKey from the Parse web interface.
  • Facebook If your app requires Facebook, you need to modify three fields in the Info.plist file as according to the iOS SDK Integration Guide. They are "FacebookAppId", "FacebookDisplayName", and the "Item 0" under "URL types -> Item 0 -> URL Schemes".


  • TableViews Subclass the PFQueryTableViewController and you will be a happy person. You will need to override the tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:object: method and dequeue the reusable cell there. Remember to register the cell as a nib on load or init.

  • CollectionViews Subclass the PFQueryCollectionViewController and you will be a happy person. You will need to override the collectionView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:object: method and dequeue the reusable cell there. Remember to register the cell as a nib on load or init.