
Non-Prod code intended for use with Google Chrome APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Research Google Chrome APIs

This repo is meant to be non-production code and intended for use with Google Chrome APIs to discover the applicable, practical, and relevant usage of Chrome Extensions in future projects that can effectively solve real world problems.


I am interested in maximizing the usage of the Chrome Browser, and its extensible framework. Too often I have seen, or been forced to use so many tools that it is hard to keep up with the tech stack an organization provides you.

I believe a well organized set of chrome extensions aligned to use-cases and purpose can minimize tool-fatigue and possible save a few bucks.

I am more inclined to believe one of the most utilized tools in the workplace is a web-browser, and likely, the Chrome Browser is one of the most used tools daily by security professionals around the globe.

Repo Structure

The repo will change as I go along to ensure I am staying organized. For now as of 12/2018, the repo is organized as:

Repo Folders Purpose
chrome-spec My notes/thoughts after reading Chrome Specification
codelab-extensions Results from codelabs provide by Google
practical-extensions My own adaptation from learning through codelabs